Flat vinyl records... Please chip-in to insite!

Hi I've recently unwarped to the perfect flatness records that were brutally warped under the direct sun light shining onto the end-table glass. Without direct sunlight it's not happening. Can anyone recommend the bulb that has similar qualities as sunlight that can blast heat of approximately 40...45 Celcius or 98...105F?
I have used the Vinyl Flat and have the Furutech (made by Orb). When I first got the Furu, I figured- go the limit 2.5 hours of heat- it did flatten some badly warped records, but caused other problems to crop up. I now adjust the heat duration to more closely match the weight of the record and severity of the warp, with far better results. (Shocker- this is what the manual instructs).
When I was using the Vinyl Flat, I used a gradual, incremental approach- 2.5 hours heat, long cool down. If that didn't do it, I would increase the heat cycle by a 1/2 hour. This worked pretty effectively, but was far more time consuming (admittedly at far lower cost that the Orb/Furutech). 
I have no idea how much heat you'd want from a lamp, CZ. If I recall, Vinyl Flat suggested measuring the temp inside their pouch and considered 140F to be an appropriate temperature. That was in a heating pouch that was velcro sealed around the compression plates. 

Well, when there’s 95+F outside, the contact temperature of surface is about 120...130F.

My oven doesn’t have that low of a setting so what I do is to get it to minimum possible (185f) and than cool it to 160 before I slide record in.

The other method I've been using is ironing via cloth.

Actually i must agree with bdp AND wart. 
I was trying to void spending 4 figures, but VinylFlat would be indeed great professional tool.