for Technics SU-R1000 owners....unit already discontinued? where to service?

I think I have some minor software issues with my out of warranty unit

My first touchpoint with Technics/Panasonic Canada has them indicating the unit is discontinued and no suggestions on where to have serviced

I can't envision too many local techs having the software expertise for this, the nature of digital type amps I guess

Have any current owners found a repair centre that can work on these?




I had same issue with $2k worth Mavic drone. Once new model in, old model is abandoned trash. Therefore I prefer living in the past(the time when girl and boy were the only 2 choices!) and get absolutely no vehicles with button start and get absolutely no appliances with electronic control board, and, certainly, get absolutely no software driven audio-components. 

@czarivey I may get in trouble for this, but Keep your ideas about the sexes in the cave that you are living in. I come to this site for education about audio. If you feel you need to express your feelings, go to a Maga rally and scream to the top of your lungs. But leave it out of this forum. Sorry, everyone else for the rant just can’t stand people who live under a rock and then want to come out and say something. We are all people in this world trying to live in it and comments like that don’t make it better.

gkelly, do you believe your comments about a MAGA rally are any different? Or your characterization of the poster as "living under a rock"?

Your post is no different than czarivey's, it's just the flip-side of the coin.