Found a Milty Zerostat alternative

I was thinking about buying the Milty Zerostat but came across a discussion regarding this plasma arc lighter.

It really works well! I took a record out of it's sleeve and held a tissue against it. The tissue stuck to it, even when held upside down.  I turned on the plasma lighter and held it about 1.5" away and made two or three circular passes around. Tried the tissue test again and it would not stick to the vinyl. It's also well constructed and doesn't feel cheap.





I imagine I bought one every ten years… starting back around 1980 , so at least three. There were some design changes along the way. I was in Tucson back then and static was a big deal. I always used them when the record was on the platter… never dawned on me to hold the record. I am familiar with the click and have tried at every angle and speed of pull imaginable and distance from record.

I now have a little arm with a brush that has an antistatic ground that someone here on Audiogon recommended, and while I don’t like the look, it works. So, no need for a gun.

@lewm I described how I used it in the original post, so I figured all would know that I already have bought it.

 @rauliruegas Sorry if there was any confusion.

@ketchup That's also good use for it, thanks!

I never had any issues with static in my room until this winter. I installed a mini split heat pump last fall and I wonder if that's the cause.

@lewm If you're feeling a little brave, put your finger near the Zerostat's "muzzle" and click it. You'll feel a little shock and probably see a little spark jump to your finger. That's what happens with mine, bought around 2006.

I believe the Zerostat came with an attachment that snugged onto the ion exit (like a flash hider on an AR). When you squeezed the trigger, it would make the gizmo light up (may be an hallucination I'm remembering).

The best trick is to spray the ions into a partially open record jacket/sleeve. This (should) relieve any pre-existing static and make the sleeve "relax" for easy record extraction. Also, if the vinyl has no charge, it won't attract any dust in the vicinity.  

But it is the act of removing the LP from its paper sleeve that does the most to generate a charge on its surface.  So you would have to zap it again, once you removed it from the paper. Which makes it a waste of time to zap it in the sleeve, even if that does work.