Full-range recommendations

Hi all,

Looking for recs for a good full-range speaker, used, in the $3-4K range, maybe a bit more if it's worth it. I want these to be speakers I keep for 20 years or so.

My listening room for the next few years is quite small: 11x14x7; however, we'll move in a bout five years and I anticipate having a bigger listening room.

I'm running a 150w/ch LSA Statement integrated and listen to a variety of jazz, folk-rock, rock, and piano through a Rotel 1072 cd and a Pro-Ject 5.1SE tt.

I like a warm, open sound. My current monitors are Reference 3A de Capo i's. Beautiful monitors, but lacking in the bass extension - and I'm loathe to use a sub. What i don't want is a dry, neutral sound.

Let me know what other questions I would need to answer, and thank you for your advice.
A strong contender here is Audiokinesis. Duke, the designer, has been very good about getting bass extension that is some of the best bang for the buck in loudspeakers. They are easy to drive too, which helps a lot.
Actually, Duke contacted me a few days ago; I haven't replied, but I look forward to it.

Now, you think I should go back to planar - maybe the Maggie 1.7s?