Full range speaker recommendation

Looking for recommendations for full range speakers. 

price range is sub $6000. Current setup is Jeff Rowland 501 Mono Blocks, Jeff Rowland Capri Preamp, McIntosh MCD-350 SACD, Cambridge CXN streamer, Rega P6 with Songbird low Mc. 
Room is 17’x15’2” with vaulted ceiling. 
Currently have ATC SCM 11V2 with two REL S2 subs. 

any insight would be greatly appreciated 🙏

Ag insider logo xs@2xsaulcohen1

I don’t think any Magnepan is going to work in that room due to size limitations.

I agree!

Maybe a pair of JBL L100 classics



Thanks everyone for the suggestions. Ramesh lounge chairs are super comfortable but put me at a lower listening position than I would like. 
I’m going this week to listen to a pair of Watt/Puppy 5.1. Although I hear that they are difficult to place properly. Will definitely check out some of the suggestions mentioned. 🙏


glad you got pics posted... speaks thousand words

and you now have a great many excellent thoughts

i have recently fallen back in love with maggies, just love them, but no way they would work in the op’s room

also agree you need to go with a small form factor traditional front firing standmount or floorstander with good dispersion and well suited to close-to-wall placement... good news is there are quite a few good ones out there with sweet warm tonailty (harbeth, fritz, classic spendors...and so on...) ... to go with the excellent and well suited rel sub pair...

fwiw - watt puppy's will not be warm sounding... also, you might try to demo a different power amp in your system if you have a chance... try a hegel integrated or a pass int or power amplifier

I bought my Magnepan 20.1s ($12,500 new) used on Audiogon for $5,500. I absolutely love them. Definitely keep the REL subs for some extra bass punch and with those mono blocks, you have plenty of power to drive the Maggies. I see a few other suggestions for Maggies on here already and there's a reason for that.

I don’t think I’d try floorstanders with significant bass output in your room, and bass will be easier to manage (and likely better) with monitors and your subs.  I’d recommend Joseph Audio Prisms or used Pulsars as JA has done shows with Rowland electronics and apparently pair well, and the JA monitors will add some fullness and heft that you’re looking for.  Best of luck.