Fuses that matter.

I have tried six different fuses, including some that were claimed to not be directional. I have long used the IsoClean fuses as the best I have heard. No longer! I just got two 10 amp slow-blows WiFi Tuning Supreme fuses that really cost too much but do make a major difference in my sound. I still don't understand how a fuse or its direction can alter sound reproduction for the better, but they do and the Supreme is indeed! I hear more detail in the recordings giving me a more holographic image. I also hear more of the top and bottom ends. If only you could buy them for a couple of bucks each.
If you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, baffle 'em with bullshit ― W.C. Fields
Hey with all this continuing banter about nothing.When do you guys have time to LISTEN to the components you know so well, let alone tweek them
"Hey with all this continuing banter about nothing.When do you guys have time to LISTEN to the components you know so well, let alone tweek them "

I can only speak for myself. I often banter while I listen.

I'd much rather listen than dabble with fuses or much of anything else at present.

I try to carve out as much time as I can to listen and usually manage several hours per week which is not enough, but hey I have 2 kids, a wife, a house, a job and a dog among other things to juggle so we gotta get our priorities straight.

Hi Mapman, Yes I know full well about priorities but it seems you are posting more and therefore possibly listening to music less.One solution might be to try a HFT Supreme fuse it just might make you change your thoughts on this thread and get you back to the listening room
"Yes I know full well about priorities but it seems you are posting more and therefore possibly listening to music less."

Nope. Listening to music and working out take up the majority of my leisure time. Posting is a distant third and does not take up much time. I squeeze it in when I can.

I'm already in the listening room as much as possible, but will keep the fuse suggestion in my pocket for when the time comes.