Future of DVD-A

Does anyone have any views on the future of DVD-Audio? I've recently purchased an Arcam DV-79, which I use as a dvd player and cd transport for my Bel Canto II dac. It is also a DVD-A player and I am interested in using it for this purpose.

However, I don't really want to go down that path if I'm just going to end up buying a few dvd-a discs and then having the format disappear. I've seen a bit lately about the demise of sacd, but is dvd-a also a victim of that format war?

Showing 1 response by fatparrot

DVD-A and SACD are niche products for a niche market. If the manufactures of both hardware and software have not modeled their marketing as such, both are doomed.

DVD-A and SACD will never make the crossover to a mass market consumer staple, such as DVD did.