get vinyl rig or audio aero capital

I have an old bang and olufsen 1700 turntable cl cartridge
mid fi about 300 albums from 70-80's (some jap pressings)
my discs were played once and taped to a Nak - so great there

I'm wondering - do I go analog and spend big bucks on an analog rig (table, arm, cartridge, phono stage, cleaner, cables, platform) to get superior sound but then have a dated collection to play

arc ls5 preamp - no phono stage - all balanced inputs

or do I buy an audio aero capital - most analog like cd player and enjoy further my 1200+ cds

current digital end is Teac VRDS10 (Wadia) and EVS Millenium II dac - a nice combo

is there any good mid end tables that will perform well and not wear out my old vinyl??


Shame on you Brian!!! 8-) An Io Signature owner recommending digital.

But Brian does have some good points on the Linn. I owned one for 18 years and then moved up to a Clearaudio Ref. I did not have the experiences like the comparison to the SME though. The Clearaudio has so much more resolution over the Linn and yet it has an incredible musicality without being analytical. Brian's recent selling of his Io to me here has brought on a level of LP playback that I never experienced in my home before.

But I still would recommend other TTs over the Linn as they bring on a bass foundation that I had been missing for so long. And other TTs I heard at friend's homes or dealers made me aware of the Linn's weakness. Still I enjoyed the Linn immensely but was aware of its shortcomings compared to others in its price and used pricing perspectives.

But even with all the LP enjoyment, a purchase of the awesome Manley Ref DAC last year has brought on a level of CD enjoyment like I had not heard before as well. I am wondering if an equally top-noth transport will bring on the same level of improvement.

Both formats have strengths and weaknesses and the trick is to know where to put those limited $$ to get the best out of our LPs and CDs.

So Tom, I think you have a decent CD playback already. Now we need to find a way for you to enjoy those LPs and have a reason to buy more.

Hi John... Glad you're having fun with the Io!! Its awesome! I don't want to spend too much time defending the Linn however, my comments as they pertain to the Linn are specific to the combo of the Shelter 901 and the Linn together. I've heard the Linn with less dynamic cartridges and not been too impressed. The Shelter 901 is such a dynamic & high resolution cartridge that it compliments the Linn very well and perhaps removes some of the stereotypical characteristics commonly associated with the Linn -- which are seen by some as negative. Its like anything else - synergy is mucho importante'.

If we break down the components individually we can see more clearly:

The Linn has a tendency toward a fat mid bass - the Shelter a tendency toward thin/detailed, the Linn has a tendency to roll the highs, the Shelter has extremely extended - airy highs, the Linn has bloated - loose bass, The Shelter has sledgehammer bass. The two together work very well and only when compared side by side with the SME 20 could I tell that the Linn/Shelter combo was sloppy & far less refined than I previously suspected. One thing about that comparison & for a lack of better explaination it seems I could hear the suspension of the Linn moving/bouncing ever-so-slightly when compared to the SME. The SME seemed solid whereas the Linn seemed almost somewhat out of control and adversely subjected to the dynamics presented by the Shelter. It was almost as if the Shelter was bouncing in/out of the groove when compared to the solidity - smoothness and precision of the SME. Not sure if I am describing this correctly as this comparison was the first time I ever noticed this behavior with the Linn suspension since no other table I've tried forced the Linn to perform at such a high level - so to speak.

Anyhow... I didn't mean to hijack this thread or anthing.

My point originally was that even a basic "value" table is going to sound better than the most digital rigs. Since Audiotomb has a significant investment in CDs, I suggested he invest the $$ in digital while opening the door to analog slowly with a entry level table that is commonly accepted as "nice sounding". Once he hears what that entry level table can do, he will then be better able to make a long term decision as to the direction of his system. If he never tries that high-end CD player, its perceived sound/performance will always be in the back of his mind - haunting him. He needs to compare in order to come to realization. Make sense?
Brian and John

thanks for the comments

my quest is for musicality - I don't need the latest or fanciest - just something engaging

my thoughts on putting my post here were as follows
those who had made the switch or invested heavily in both a digital and analog front end would steer me 1) above the entry level tables 2) to a level where I wasn't damaging my vinyl and getting stellar performance 3) would give experiences on their own digital forays - and yes comments on the glory and alternatives to the audio aero (I baited it a little)that sizeable cd collection will still be in heavy rotation

I had heard of the Meitner here, those that have it are impressed. The EVS Millenium itself is quite a formibidle dac and it has faired better than quality stuff like ARC and Sonic Frontiers I put it up against

I've been doing a little research -
the Nottingham tables seem to get rave reviews
and a mid line one could suit nicely or a modifiable VPI

thanks a lot for the input
Hi Tom:

No one has mentioned this, but if the 1700 is properly adjusted (and the stylus is in good shape) I doubt that it will do any harm to your LP's.

I would just not play it too loudly due to the rumble spec's, which are quite high for a belt drive design.

Might as well spin some LP's while deciding what your priorites are.
hey Dekay

well I need a phono stage first

I could play it on my bedroom system NAD 3400 integrated with phono (or maybe even rig that up into my pre - thats a little scarier)

alternatively my dealer has an old ARC PH2 that he wants way too much for $1300 and an NAD 533 so I could borrow those for a weekend and play on my real system
