Glanz moving magnet cartridges


I have just acquired an old Glanz G5 moving magnet cartridge. However, I cannot find out any details about this or the Glanz range or, even the company and its history.

Can anyone out there assist me in starting to piece together a full picture?

Any experiences with this or other Glanz's; web links; set up information etc would be warmly received. Surely someone knows something!

Thanks in hope
Dear Vetterone, By my MFG 31l the user manual is included
with the nomenclature of the whole series. There are 51 and 71
(L and E) above the 31 but 61 is not mentioned. That
is why I called this one 'mysterious'. I also own the 31 E
but am , like you with the 51 E , not very impressed. BTW
deed you try the stylus from the 31 L in the 51 cart?
The strange thing is that I have never seen any Glanz on the German ebay.
I got my specimens from the UK.


I did not take the time to swap stili between bodies. All of the 3.5mv Mitachi generators most likely sound the same or very close but to be sure, I will experiment later. I think I have six different bodies between Astatic and Glanz. Could prove interesting.

The MF-61 has its own booklet that mentions no other Glanz products. As I posted a while back, all it says is that "MFG-61, as the most prestige model among Glanz cartridges...". My sample came new in the box. Under close inspection I am sure it had never been mounted or used. The cantilever is boron but it is much smaller in diameter than the boron cantilever supplied these days by Ogura. I would guess 30% smaller. I bought it off eBay many years ago before I had read the MM thread on A'gon. I had been studying cartridge designs and moving flux and moving iron seemed to be the best design, in theory at least so I was buying cheap samples to try. It came from Peru or Portugal I think. I did see one listed a few years ago. I wish I would have bought it but at the time, I had not yet tried the MFG-61 and had no idea how special it is. Silly me.
Hi Nandric/All,

On the issue of cartridge comparisons, I am currently optimising my Morch DP-6 tonearm with the kind assistance of Mt. Moerch. As I have told Raul and demonstrated to close friends and family, the combination of the DP-6 and Technics 100 Mk4 cartridge moved my expectations of analogue replay to a new level.

My Glanz G5 and G7 cartridges in my Audio Craft AC3300 LB tonearm are the closest comparison I have come across and the G7/AC3300 seem to exceed the Moerch/Technics combination in certain aspects of their performance. HOWEVER, my Moerch has been a trusty companion for over thirty years and needed optimising. Hence my current preoccupation.

Once I have completed the work, I will be able to run a full comparison of both cartridges and tonearm/cartridge pairings. I'll most likely post my findings and impressions once that is completed.

As always...

I am not aware of the existence or location of a mount moerch!

I was of course referring to Hans and should have said: "with the kind assistance of Mr. Moerch".
Dear Dgob, This to me is like dating Michelle Pfeifer or
Nocole Kidman and suggesting to us to try the same. Now those 'girls' at least exist and are in theoretical or imaginary sense attainable. But I have never seen the Glanz 7 or 5 nor the Technics 100 mk IV anywhere. Vetterone already made my life misarable with this 'misterious' Glanz 61 for which I search all ebay sites that I can read and even those that I can't read while I am supposed to spend as much time as possible to listen to my records. BTW the tonearms are not a problem in my case; I own 8 of those. If you can provide the source for any of those carts I can ask Van den Hul for assistence for their adjustment in one of those arms.
