Goertz MI2 and amp oscillation

I am auditioning some MI2 Veracity's and they sound fantastic, but I have read some mentions of amp oscillation with these cables due to the high capacitance. I am using an Electrocompaniet AW60 paired with some Sonus Faber Concertino Home's. How do I determine if my amp is stable enough for these cables, or what are the signs of problems?
I am investigating this one for myself. Thanks for bringing this up! I am speaking with Classe and Innersound right now.
IF you look at their FAQ section - http://www.alphacore.com/mifaq.html - it also states: the situation described in the above does not occur with electrostatic speakers or with tube amplifiers containing output transformers.
thanks! aj
Angela, i forgot about the speakers that you were running during our email conversation. If you remember though, i did mention that you might not be having a problem due to the specific speaker load that you had on the amp.

The reason that the output transformer "nulls" the "problematic effect" of the cables in these situations is due to the fact that it introduces inductance into the circuit. The inductance from the transformer somewhat counters the capacitance of the cables and presents a more benign load. You are probably okay with what you have, but it wouldn't hurt to find out for yourself. Sean
one 'mo time, in plain english, my friend :-}
just teasin'. I have the service manager at Classe looking into for me and have fired off the detail to Roger at Innersound as well. This is the kind of stuff that floats Roger's boat, so I am sure that he will have a wealth of information, too. I love the opportunity to learn all of this. thanks for your help by email, Sean.

-aj aka Telly (wink wink)