Good carts with SME V

Hi there
What could be the carts that match optimally with a SME V tonearm?
My SME is on a Hanss T30 player.

The match should have a resonance around 10 hz - I believe. Or no lower than 8 hz.

Cart suggestions are appreciated, from users of the SME V especially.

I ask also since maybe "official" resonance measures are way off, compared to user experience. Please include the weight and compliance of your cart suggestion, and if possible, your resonance testing frequency. 

Ag insider logo xs@2xo_holter
Dear Ralph, Please clue me in; how do you adjust the effective mass on a Triplanar, save by the method common to any tonearm, which is to add mass? But, as for most other tonearms, you cannot reduce effective mass below the basic value with no added weight.  Yes? Thanks.

Of course, I remain a happy TP user after more than 20 years.

invictus005 is a fan of SME. I believe both tables and arms. You might ask him about alignment. I am not aware if they have easy adjustment for it. I think he would know and if not; how he accomplishes it. It is a necessary parameter.

That is sad about losing the stylus on the Atlas. Have you contacted Lyra / J Carr ?

The price of the better cartridges is just so through the roof. For the first time; I am thinking of the used / low hours route. There is a dealer that advertises here, Artisan Fidelity. Every so often, he has one of the great cartridges available for discounted prices. I would never do this through the mail; but he is just an 1hour drive away. I could hear and inspect the cartridge. He has great market feedback.

Ralph (atmasphere) modded my Technics with Triplanar. His thoughts are worth paying attention to. I am starting to agree with him on cartridges. Once you have Speed Control and a great tonearm. You will finally hear what your cartridge can really do. 

I had a SME 10 and used a Benz Micro LPS, which sounded great with that combination. I know the arm is different, but still quite similar.
@o_holter IME with the SME5 you need a slightly lower compliance cartridge, as the arm with the cartridge is going to be medium to higher mass.

I ditched the SME5 for a Triplanar years ago and never looked back. An advantage of the Triplanar is that effective mass can be adjusted, on the SME5 you're stuck with what you get, so you have a wider range of compatible cartridges. The bearings of the Triplanar are lower friction, and the arm tube is damped better as well. Its also a lot easier to set up and you can adjust VTA on the fly.
I have had excellent luck with both the Koetsus (Urushi in y case) and a Lyra Clavis.  I still have both running in SMEVs in my systems.

Ask Jonathan Carr at Lyra what current cartridges he thinks best suit the arm.
tkr, nkonor, invictus005

Thank you. Yes, a Koetsu is certainly an idea. I have never tried one.

After I got the Aesthetix Io back from repair a year ago, with new JJ tubes selected by Aesthetix, the noise level was much lower. I also like the Steelhead, a friend has one, dead quiet like you say. But I love the Io’s rich sound and am willing to live with some tube noise.

Not so much cash, no...back in the old days Lyras were not so extremely expensive. I started used, and traded in. With the current price level, however, I am not sure I can follow up. My friend has an Etna, which sounds very good, and says he likes it better than a wood-body Koetsu. I wonder if a Koetsu might be too smooth-sounding in my already quite tubey system.

Luckily my Titan i is still playing. The diamond on my Atlas said farewell the other day (a very sad day). There was an offer for AT ART-9 but it was gone before I called them, and anyway, I am not sure if it would be anything more than an "extra", for me. I have compared with the Ortofon Cadenza Black in my system. A very good, neutral cart, but a bit polite, output a bit low. The Lyras - the Titan, and even more, the Atlas - were better, in my system. Bigger, bolder, better able to tackle dynamic music. But if I had not heard the best Lyras I might be happy with a Cadenza. Maybe the whole idea of having "the best" cartridge has become - unhealthy.


Nice system. The IO was too noisy for me. Although it does have a lot going for it. Happy with my Manley Steelhead. Dead Quiet. Currently have had my modded Technics with Triplanar arm for 9-10 weeks now. Unless I hit a lottery; this will be my final rig.

You have a Lyra Atlas and a couple of other Lyra’s. I have a Dynavector on my Kuzma TT and have become fond of its attributes.
Lyra Kleos on my Triplanar.

 I am thinking of getting a XV1s/t. Also have thought about trying a Koetsu Black as tkr suggested above.

 I have been a Lyra / Scantek Guy since 1988. There are too many cartridges that will match well with your rig. The best/perfect match? Only you can decide that. Everything else, is someone else’s ears, opinion, choice. Did you build your system on someone else’s opinion. You obviously have some cash. Try something!

I would try a Koetsu.
Actually, the best match I ever experienced with the SME V was a Koetsu Black.

Sorry, no weight, no compliance figure, no resonance measurement, just my experience. 
Two ways to check your cart-arm resonance frequency:
1 Add weight of cartridge plus 1 g for screws plus tonearm effective mass, into the vinyl engine resonance frequency calculator.

2 Test with Hifi News or similar test record - side B track 2 on the HFN record. You will hear AND see the cartridge wobble at the resonance frequency.