Goodbye Everyone

Rather than just disappear, I'd like to say thanks to everyone who gave me help, taught me stuff, the many friendly members.



Showing 9 responses by asvjerry

@elliottbnewcombjr ....*L*  We're obviously a hard habit to kick....;)

Please stay.....'diet' if you must, but the loss of any diminishes all....and our numbers contract by our ages anyway....😔

@elliottbnewcombjr ....hope your new valve works as well for you as my TAVR, going on 4+ years....👍 That, and my inboard pacer and defib (I skip beats occasionally.....other than my miscues here *L*. ;)  ), multiple non-amusing drugs, COPD....ADD, ADHD, psychosis, neurosis, SOB-ness...

Bugs bite me....and die. COVID didn't bother...."....he'll get his, anyway..."

I'd don't winch when jabbed, fell asleep during a root canal, bruise if you look at me hard....
Spouse EV demands I don't die, or she'll kick my ass...told her to make a cast of it while there's something left to cast to...not much ever to speak of, nor hips to define where to hang ones' pants...

( My prototype QOB >Quantum Ouija Board< is operational of late..

If you think you can escape anymore, anyway....nope

Everything You Know Is Wrong. 

The parallel universes?  Just as FUBAR as this one.... even for the lizard people...

You heard it here, from me.  Yup...I'm to blame.  Feel free to, small shoulders, hits the floor anyway.... )

@elliottbnewcombjr ...."Who raised these people?" *ROTFLMAO*

The same amateurs that raised concept, no clue, just the relations demanding they procreate to ensure they suffer the same bs and relative happiness they could dredge out of the process...*the emoji doesn't exist*

Spouse and self opted 'out'....otherwise, this mssg. wouldn't occur... ;)

Heart drugs:  Yes, we and you are doomed to gobble small>large 'stuff', none of any entertainment value other than keeping your keel pointed down.

It IS a life....yours., me, the lurking lookie-lou's. the naysays can say 'Nonono...'. BUT

Beats the alt., for the time being.....

" are a worn out hoot! makes me feel like a teenager."

Well, good....*ironic S* 

I find it 'difficult' to be among my 'peers'.....when the subject is kids/grandk's, all I can respond with is what I do to amuse self....other than 'fire control' at the business spouse and self 'do' to maintain the 'strife-style' we prefer....

OK...cut to the 'feel-good', beyond the chase scene....

You Are Not Allowed to Die 'Here".


At my brothers' funeral....when asked of the gathering:

Anything to say about...?

"He was a PIA...but, he was my brother."

Anyone who REALLY knew us....could 'relate'.

Anyone else?

Your call.


No one here has the slightest idea. nor clue....of what  makes asvjerry 'tick'...

....nor, that of which 'ticks' me off.

Nor, I of you....

It's all too thin....;(

I hear....


’Bugs Like An Angel"

I feel like this a lot....of late....

YT ads will force not trying to post anything of a musical nature beyond this, now...


@elliottbnewcombjr ....'phase shifting' over from the MM/MC scroll, I'd forgotten 'bout your upcoming bout in the sterile suite....but go with my hopes and thoughts that you'll be back sooner in '24. 👍👌🤞😃 'n all....

When I ran into my Reality of CHF re my aortic valve, I was well aware of having one's ribs wrenched and what + how long recovery from that could basic energy levels and 'tude then would have made most around me wishing I'd either relapse and 'go away'.....Spouse Ev said she'd kick my tush if I did...
"Have at, I don't think I'll notice....but I'd opt for a synth cast of the original, since it wouldn't last long...that, and the dogs might chew it up on you..."

TAVR made that whole scenario a non-start; I had resisted the OHS scenario, so when advised that I might be a candidate for TAVR, jumped on it like a Wagyu 5   steak....and went home 3 days afterwards, the third lasting forever.

I felt great immediately the day after....hope you experience the same.

I was considered a higher risk for OHS, and they had a little difficulty 'jump-starting' me, and it was noted I 'skip beats' during my rehab stints on a recumbent (used to cycle in my teens, still have most of the thighs left...)....(monitoring RN looks up from the screen, looks at me, comes over with that concerned stare..."Did you feel that?"  Feel what?..).

Ended up with my onboard pacemaker and an auto-defib... 2" dia, "lump' below left collarbone, over from left shoulder....

Asked my cardio...'How durable is this?"  One was known to stop a bullet, and keep working...I remember that, just in case....;) *L*

Anyhow, my hopes for you is that all will go absolutely perfect, and they'll shuffle you out 'n home asap+....which seems to be SOP of late.  Hosp. food fare isn't any fairer than it used to be ever, and I had Ev smuggle me in a beer and a Starbucks.

Don't know how the staff can cope with the brown liquid they call coffee...and they agree!  I don't comprehend how the residents can pull the hours they do on that mouthwash.....😬😖🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️  "Shoulda learned to play them drums...."

Have a 'productive and considerably Different Holiday Week', and know that I and the crowd here are in your cheering section...and we expect to hear all about it. *S*

...but...don't pull a 'Lyndon'....we don't need to see the scars, and leave the dog's ears alone...😑


Just in from a FB post from an aquaint....

"1.4% of people have a condition known as Nocturnal Lagophthalmos; they cannot sleep with their eyelids shut, either fully open or partially open.
They have no idea that they do it."

Don't do that during your surgery....It WILL weird them out. ;)


😔             ....the brain pool is leaking....faster?

...seems that way, today...'s too obvious you'll be sorely missed.

...anyone that can tolerate my missives', anyway.

Fare thee well, wherever that fare may take you. ;)
