I woke up to a dry cold Pacific Northwest this morning. Not that I mind the rain but today was something special. The ground is frozen and so are the trees so everything is frosty white. I threw on some Nora Jones... poured a glass of champagne and to it I added a little fresh squeezed orange juice. I grabbed my sweet lady and we danced while the kid was fast asleep. For five minutes I was at peace with everyone and everything. I hope all of you catch the same vibe and I am taking requests
on the music that is. I think I will stick with the mimosas for now.
For everyone who helped me out with my system this last year thanks. Thank you for the deals and the sound advice. Thanks for finding good homes for the stuff I no longer need and I hope I made some of you as happy as you made me.
Ok, ok the champagne is making me sound sappy back to the music! No one likes a sappy pony.
For everyone who helped me out with my system this last year thanks. Thank you for the deals and the sound advice. Thanks for finding good homes for the stuff I no longer need and I hope I made some of you as happy as you made me.
Ok, ok the champagne is making me sound sappy back to the music! No one likes a sappy pony.