Have you tried the Furutech AND the Acme fuses?

If so, which did you prefer and why?


Further to my last comment on Furutech fuses, after futher investigation, I'd like to add that on certain systems (like my friend's) these fuse show the symptoms of some silver cables: slightly attenuated mid-bass and mid-low bass frequencies and slightly accentuated high mid and high frequencies, IMO anyways.
Thanks Spacer!: it might help if your friend move the speakers closer to the rear wall?
Thanks for your suggestion, but we've tried it all.

In my system however, in my amp. (Robertson 4010) I left a regular fuse for the power fuse and use Furutech for both left and right channels. Wonderful!!!

Note taht I've learned since my last post that Furutech fuses need at least 100 hours to be broken in. And from what I'm hearing, it is true.

Moonguy and Spacer, this is very important:
Furutech fuses available in the USA are of the slow-blow type. Do a Google search. Furutech calls them time lag or time delay fuses.

If your big power amp uses a slow-blow fuse (there is a "spring"
inside slow-blow fuses), it is OK to replace with a Furutech fuse of the same rating.
Tube amps, CD players, DVDs, preamps and other Hi-FI stuff rarely use slo-blo fuses, for a simple reason: they take too long to open in case of a current peak.

DO NOT replace a regular (fast) fuse with a slo-blo fuse. In the event of any internal electrical failure, a slo-blo fuse will stay put and your gear will go up in smoke. Your warranty and home insurance DO NOT cover fires caused by the wrong kind of fuse, no mater how expensive they are.
Please read this before it is too late:
I have tried a variety of expensive fuses and would strongly suggest people try the Acme Audio silver plated and cryo treated fuses. Obviously the effect will depend on your system. But they are so reasonably priced it is well worth a try. In my system they were far superior to any of the other fuses I tried. I replaced all 10 fuses in my system with them and couldn't be more pleased. Endless discussions of micro dynamics --- which were improved, or "air" -- which was improved, or bass which was also improved and on and on will not tell you what will happen in your system. Just please try them. Michael is a wonderful guy and makes exceptional products.