Hearing Loss
Recently I read a post about how people deal with a loss of hearing and the challenges it presents to fully enjoy the music and capabilities of their systems. I can identify with others as I also have a degree of hearing loss. That being said, most have already sought help with their hearing such as hearing aids, medical solutions, adjusting their system's response,etc. A lot of those folks are, most likely in my age group.....60 or plus.
Most have already invesstigated a remedy. But here's some info that some may feel familiar and boring....I once had a job selling hearing aids. Challenging to say the least. A person oft times refuses to accept their disability. But not to music lovers.
If you do not care about this subject just exit now.....The hearing ability of the ear is basically confined to the structure of the ear itself. The three basic sections of the human ear are as follows.....The outer ear (lobe ,ear canal and ear drum), the middle ear (where mechanical motion takes place via three small bone like structures), and the inner ear where vibrations are converted into a nerve transmission. This is where those mechanical motions are transmtited to nerve endings in the cochlea (inner ear). If damage is done to those nerve sensors (inner ear) that is what is referred to as "nerve damage". There is little to no hope to damage in this area.But, problems in the outer and middle ear are possibly addressed by medical treatments.
So, just a basic message about the mechanics of hearing.