Hegel H390 power cable

I’m looking for some input on a Isotek line conditioner and power cable for my
Hegel H 390
totally system, home and power grid dependent

mine worked fine with the stock cord, not improved with other 'expensive' cords tried

Running an Isotek Aquarius for all gear except amps and subs. Highly recommended. The change in sound quality was like a component upgrade. In my system/to my ears, replacing the stock Isotek Premier power cord with a Venom HC and subsequently an Alpha NR v1 power cord provided another noticeable improvement in the sound. I was running the Alpha direct from wall to amps (these include a Hegel H200) but now use a Delta NR v1 on the amps. Tried Pangea AC9 and Cullen Crossover (v1) but prefer the Shunyata cords,
I ran mine with a Furman Elite 15i. A Shunyata Research Alpha sounded great. We have garbage power here.