Help, my system sounds lifeless!

Hi, this is my first post.  I rushed putting my system together when i emigrated from the UK to New Jersey.  In fact this site was partly to blame as i was attracted to the amazing  "used" deals!  I bought a pair of Dali Helicon 400 (mark I)  as they passed the WAF.  The rest of the system contains a Belles Soloist Integrated and Simaudio Equinox SE CD player, wireworld platinum eclispe 6 interconnect & Audio Art Cable Classic SC-5 Speaker Cable.  My room maybe partly to blame but generally the system sounds lifeless, with little soundstage (better when i play vinyl).  I am not feeling/falling in love with the speakers and do not like the bass response (which is often reported).  I would like to change the speakers and was wondering if you could help.  I have an extremely large cd collection (and have recently bought a used Lumin D1, but unfortunately not set up yet) covering all kinds of music.  I am thinking 8ohm with better sensitivity would be a better option.  Looking to spend around $3000-4000 used.  Some contenders include Revel F206 or F208, Tannoy DC8 or DC8T, ATC SCM40, JA Pulsars (maybe too much $), PBN Liberty, Aerial 10T (never see them used) but they must have grills as sometimes kids go in the basement.  Maybe Monitors with stands would be better option?  I am hoping the flickr link works so you can see my room (excuse the feet!).  I want to fall in love with my large music collection again!  Looking for good bass & soundstage and speakers that can play all kinds of music (sometimes I'm partial to deep electronic music).  In some ways because my taste is so vast i am not particularly looking for ultra revealing speakers (Nora Jones speakers i think you call them!).  Looking forward to the NY audio show so i can hear some systems.  Thanks for all the help, cheers Paul
I would not spend money on room treatments. Wait till you purchase speakers and see how the room responds to them. Over the years I have made my own  treatments. Recently I ordered a heavy 28 oz fabric and installed curtains behind my system. Previously I have used 5X8 foot throw rugs on the rear and one side walls. You can hang them using carpet tack strip nailed to the wall 16" OC and then the rug is attached. Find some decorative rugs. 

While some room treatments are really expensive, meant for the custom installers who are building million dollar listening rooms, GIK is not only quite affordable but effective. So much so that I wouldn't make my own.



I see so many people here pointing to room treatments. I will -partially- agree. The room that he has is not really that great. I can see a couple of problems. The right side of the room is open, which is good, but the left side has these cabinets very close to the speaker. This will cause the left speaker to "blare" some because the mids/highs will plane/reflect off of the cabinets some. Also, that soffit built into the ceiling on the top/left edge of the wall may cause some problems with brightness. Bass response can be an issue with room nodes where some sound absorption panels can help. However, I personally feel that broadband sound absorption is really not that good. In my experience, it really sucks the life out of the music. It really reduces the high frequency excitement.

One thing I noticed is that you have a LOT of silver in your system (Wireworld Platinum Eclipse & Audio Art SC-5). Silver has a higher conductivity than copper and will charge/discharge much faster. In practical terms and in my experience, this means that waveforms will tend be translated to be much faster than normal. There will be a natural push in the mids/highs and I have found that silver will lack bass/midbass body and punch.

Adding silver can help a very slow/warm system (such as tubes), but your system is the complete opposite of tubes. The Simaudio CD player has been said to be very clean/clear and solid state - opposite of something like a Jolida tube CD player. The Belles Soloist Integrated has a fully discrete input stage and is probably a very strong power supply/circuit. I have also found that silver will be so fast and clean that it give a somewhat "artificial" sound. The music and vocals will not sound natural or real. (I recently even found that just adding a silver-plated fuse holder will impart this clean/artificial signature). All of this together (system synergy) may be causing your "lifeless" type of sound.

You said that you like your turntable sound just a bit better. This source will present a warmer/slow type of sound than your extra-clean CD source. I would like you to try a very cheap experiment. Go out and get some 12awg Oxygen Free (OFC) stranded copper speaker wire. You can get this anywhere, BestBuy, whatever (Monoprice sells a 50 foot spool for $16). Just make sure it’s OFC and stranded copper. (do not use the BlueJeans Beldon 10/12awg cable - it is inferior to normal OFC stranded). You can easily bi-wire just by doing a double run. Burn it in for 24 hours and then listen to it. My guess is that it’s going to sound more natural/fuller with more bass. If this experiment succeeds and you like this, maybe try a copper-only interconnect (such as the Wireworld Eclipse -- no silver wire, only pure copper). The Wireworld Eclipse will only cost you $375 new for a half-meter.

Once you complete these really cheap experiments, you can look at different speaker wire.  Or you can look at room treatment if you feel. Or even think about different speakers.

Not familiar with this gear but in general one should make sure hearing is in good shape whenever a system that should sound good sounds "lifeless".   Especially before making any changes.  Ears need periodic maintenance and cleaning sometimes just like all the rest of the gear.  Wax buildup/etc can happen to anyone.
A lot of people have taken the time to ask questions and make suggestions. 
I don't see one reply from the Op. 

Makes me wonder why we bother.