Help - Need Preamp under 5K for Class D amps

I’ve been looking at preamps for some time now and now that I’ve finally taken delivery of some audiophile quality speakers it time to find this device.
My current setup is as follows:

Line Arrays in the form of AV123 LS-6’s driven by a pair of Nuforce 9 SEV2’s. No pre in the signal path. Source is a Slim devices Transporter. All files EAC ripped FLAC lossless compression.
AC services:
VH-Audio power cords service the Nuforce’s in Flavor 4 version as well as the Power conditioner. Dedicated circuit utilizing a Furutech outlet and Furutech silver IEC connectors, Furutech gold plugs on the opposite end on power cords except on the Transporter end where I use a Oyaide 079.

Adona Rack and a considerable amount of room treatments.

So what I hear while sitting on the couch is a pretty resolving system with pinpoint imaging, a decent amount of bloom, dynamics galore and a generally pleasing sound except… I’m not quite where I want to be in terms of just being able to relax into the music. I’d like a bit more air, or bloom or warmth? Sorry I don’t have the right description but perhaps the fact that I have NO pre is the problem in general. Overall sound seems to be a bit clinical. Maybe that’s the word.

This is why I ask the help of my audiophile brothers and sisters here. Running my MAC RCA Palladiums’ doesn’t improve this much over the balanced cables I own which are DH-Labs DIYers. Having a home theatre system in tow that utilizes the Nuforce’s as well I find myself constantly moving interconnect cables which is annoying at best.

I’ve been looking at Dan’s Modwright 36.5 and auditioned one from a fellow Audiogon seller. I couldn’t get a handle on it’s attributes from that audition – too different a system not to mention that I didn’t like what I was hearing from his setup. Others pre’s I’ve been interested in are as follows:

Parasound Halo JC-2 – No tubes but does that really matter?
Aesthetix Calypso
Audio Horizons 2.1
Modwright 36.5

Thanks for your advice.
Sorry, I was referring to Audioforever posting a few threads earlier, who did state he already owns a Nuforce P9.

I don't know you from Adam, but I can tell you I'm not odd. Well, not too odd. I have posted much on Agon and have owned lots of good gear. Please check my feedback and see I am not a "one note song on TRL" and am quite known to many on this site as both a buyer and seller.

Why would you call folks that like TRL gear odd? I think I know why. Seems those of us who have found very special gear from smaller , unknown companies are marginalized.
I knew when I starting posting of my amazing new find this would happen. Very sad to me. Many of us Audiophiles are to closed minded to really learn and discover.

I would be happy to send a pic of my Dude to those who would like it. Not sure how to do it in this thread - computer skills are marginal.

I have read the one or two negative posts and can say that has NOT been my experience with TRL. Seems some folks just can't stand the fact that a small company has come up with some of the best sounding gear regardless of price.

Paul at TRL actually updates any gear that is out there and brings them up to current spec as part of his service.
He has always retuned my emails and answered my calls.

Hotbird, I see you have no feedback?? Seems you are not a known quantity as yet. I don't know you and will cut you some slack, but please don't call me odd and suggest I push TRL as some sort of secret employee.

Audio abd music is fun for me and I share when excited about great gear.

Have fun.
I don't know one manufacturer that I've come in contact with, and whose equipment I was interested in purchasing, where I haven't found at least one customer complaint on a forum or through some other sources. It's the nature of the business.

Recently I had someone contact me about a manufacturer whose component I just bought who ragged on its reliability and their customer service. Checked with the manufacturer and got their side of the story. Then put the pieces together myself to come to my own conclusion. As usual there are always two sides to every story and the truth lies somewhere in between (in this case closer to the manufacturers claims which were well documented).

A point well made is that boutique manufacturers like TRL, APL, Intuitive Audio, etc. are not for everyone. There is a leap of faith required and some risk. I have found the risk was worth taking. Others have opposite experiences.
I have owned my TRL M-225 mono amps for about two months and all of my dealing with Paul & Brian have been very timely and professional. As Clio09 states every manufacturer has a few upset customers. TRL could not stay in business all these years w/o treating their customers right. BTW my TRL mono amps are the best I have heard and that includes very expensive tube & ss.
I live way over in South East Asia and don't consider it viable selling 230V equipment with expensive shipping in a US-targetted Audiogon, thus no feedback. Even then I do not change equipment that often like fashion, and most of the time I do trade-ins with my local dealers when I want to upgrade some stuff once in a blue moon.
With regards to the "odd following" term I used, it was in context of those referred in that head-fi forum thread (check the posting there by someone called sejarzo).
There are 2 sides to every story, but at the same time there's no smoke without fire. Anyway, if you can dig up any dirt on Audiovalve, let us know, as I think many would want to consider it as next upgrade after reading Teajay's review (plus Mike's on Stereotimes), so it's best to be forewarned and let the interested parties make the judgement ;-)