Help! Need tube preamp to finish system.

I've been working on putting together a good stereo system for about 2+ years now and would like opinions/advice on what I consider to be maybe THE MOST important part of a good rig; the preamp. My system consists of the following starting with the front ends: Sonic Frontiers SFCD-1, Ah! Tjoeb 99', Sim Audio P-4001 class A linestage w/external power supply, Marchand XM126-2AA vacuum tube crossover w/external power supply, McIntosh MC275 for bass duties, Mesa Baron for the stats, Kinergetics SW800 subs and Martin Logan CLS II's. Discovery powercords (where able) and DH Labs interconnects and speaker cables throughout. I don't need any suggestions of pre's with processor loops as I already have a decent rig for the HT thing. All advice and suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thanks, March
The 99,and it was a very good preamp,just did not have the sonic characteristic's I was looking for,& probablly will never completetly be satisfied. The BAT is allthough very close indeed.
Whats the price of the BAT? I bet if you had the 99 and experimented with tubes it would blow away the BAT.I replaced the supplied tubes with GE's in the linestage and Radiotechniques and Telefunkens in the phonostage.This Rogue 99 is KILLER with good NOS tubes.I would put it up against anything in the $5000.00 range.
i'm reading this rogue stuff w/baited breath - i yust purchased a demo 99 from a dealer w/o auditioning; it's on its way to rogue for them to install an additional set of rca tape outs & rca main outs. mark said they're also almost done w/a *magnum* upgrade, so i told 'em to tweek mine before shipping. i hope it's as nice as what's being said here. this is my 1st serious toob adwenture, & i'm looking forward to it, but i'm still not ready to advertise for sale my linn kairn/brilliant, until i have time to do a thorough audition. the linn is *excellent* solid-state gear, imho...
philefreak, i shall post my feelings about the rogue after i listen for awhile, but it mite be a couple weeks before i get the unit.