Help search for a phono stage that fits my system

Dear All,
Here are my components:
1)Preamp linestage: Conrad/johnson CT5
2)Amp: McCormack DNA500
3)Speakers: Andra II
5)Digital: McCormack UPD1, Deluxe ( very nice redbook)
6)Cables: Acoustic Zen
7)Analog: VPI Super Scoutmaster with signature arm w/ Dynavector Karat cartridge.

I am looking for a nice phono stage that can be optimized with my system and flexible enough to accept a wide variety of cartrides. I just bought the Conrad/Johnson,CT5, and have been thinking about buying their matching phono stage, premier 15 which retails for 5K, but the question is can I do better at that price or LESS?At the moment, I am using the dynavector 17D Karat. Please take a look at my system and give me some recommendations. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Ag insider logo xs@2xginas
Take a look at the Herron Audio VTPH-1mc. I thought it sounds fantastic with Dyna lo-mc carts. I used to use it with the Dyna TeKaitora until mine went dead in one channel, after which I swithced to the Denon 103R.

Matching of the phono stage should be done with the cart, not so much a question of matching with the rest of the system as the phono has to have sufficient gain for the cart.
I have good results with a Pass Labs Xono paired to a CJ ACT2. It has plenty of gain available at numerous settings along with mucho flexibility in load to accomodate a very broad range of cartridge choices. I thought long and hard about a Prem 15 mk.2 fronted with Bent Mu trannies. You should be able to find a used Prem15 in the $2.5-$3k range. Step-ups have pros and cons, but I think the Prem 15 needs a bit more gain to avoid tube rush for lower output MCs. It should be a v. nice combination. I'd also look at the Artemis Labs PL1. Lastly you should be able to get a used Steelhead for less than $5k, though current models don't come to market that often. There is no dead-on easy choice until you get to the $7k+ range for new - the choices for phonostage inevitably bring some trade-offs. Best of luck - let us know what you narrow down.
My BAT Vk P10SE does have some tube noise as I use a LOMC but when the needle hits the record the music comes alive. Used 3.5K-4K. Has gain to spare. Solid bass.


I would strongly recommend that you seek out Modwright PH150 phono stage.  I have one plus an Allnic H3000. The Modwright sounds much better to me. You can check out "The Absolute Sound" review on it. You should at least give it a listen. If you can't find one ti audition please let me know, I might be able to help you. No promises though.