Help search for a phono stage that fits my system

Dear All,
Here are my components:
1)Preamp linestage: Conrad/johnson CT5
2)Amp: McCormack DNA500
3)Speakers: Andra II
5)Digital: McCormack UPD1, Deluxe ( very nice redbook)
6)Cables: Acoustic Zen
7)Analog: VPI Super Scoutmaster with signature arm w/ Dynavector Karat cartridge.

I am looking for a nice phono stage that can be optimized with my system and flexible enough to accept a wide variety of cartrides. I just bought the Conrad/Johnson,CT5, and have been thinking about buying their matching phono stage, premier 15 which retails for 5K, but the question is can I do better at that price or LESS?At the moment, I am using the dynavector 17D Karat. Please take a look at my system and give me some recommendations. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Ag insider logo xs@2xginas
Hi all again,
While I've never heard the Aesthetix Rhea, it was initially on my short list of phono stages to purchase.
I'm sure when one has a good compliment of sound quiet tubes, this unit no doubt is awesome.

Tubes though can get very expensive nowadays I've found. I'm sort of thankful I didn't go the tube route. I just can't see paying $150-$175-$200 for a decent matched pair of Sylvania 5751's, Mullard 12AX7A's, etc.
Other tubes while noted to he very good like Telefunkens can be a real crap shoot. I've heard of counterfeits, bum tubes, and the like.

While I won't knock anyone who loves tubes, they can become a hassle, interfering with your musical enjoyment. If one has to constantly monkey with something as simple as a phono stage, you might find the medium more a hassle than its worth, and now recieve less enjoyment, than more due to noise, and decent tubes issue.

Sort of like buying a white elephant 20" Telescope to see the heavens. Sure, it can offer wonderful views. but if it's a nightmare to put into operation, it won't get used. (or used as often as it should)

In that case, you'll be reaching for your CD collection more often than not. Ultimately the choice must be yours to make. Mark

Take a look at the Herron Audio VTPH-1mc. I thought it sounds fantastic with Dyna lo-mc carts. I used to use it with the Dyna TeKaitora until mine went dead in one channel, after which I swithced to the Denon 103R.

Matching of the phono stage should be done with the cart, not so much a question of matching with the rest of the system as the phono has to have sufficient gain for the cart.
I have good results with a Pass Labs Xono paired to a CJ ACT2. It has plenty of gain available at numerous settings along with mucho flexibility in load to accomodate a very broad range of cartridge choices. I thought long and hard about a Prem 15 mk.2 fronted with Bent Mu trannies. You should be able to find a used Prem15 in the $2.5-$3k range. Step-ups have pros and cons, but I think the Prem 15 needs a bit more gain to avoid tube rush for lower output MCs. It should be a v. nice combination. I'd also look at the Artemis Labs PL1. Lastly you should be able to get a used Steelhead for less than $5k, though current models don't come to market that often. There is no dead-on easy choice until you get to the $7k+ range for new - the choices for phonostage inevitably bring some trade-offs. Best of luck - let us know what you narrow down.
My BAT Vk P10SE does have some tube noise as I use a LOMC but when the needle hits the record the music comes alive. Used 3.5K-4K. Has gain to spare. Solid bass.


I would strongly recommend that you seek out Modwright PH150 phono stage.  I have one plus an Allnic H3000. The Modwright sounds much better to me. You can check out "The Absolute Sound" review on it. You should at least give it a listen. If you can't find one ti audition please let me know, I might be able to help you. No promises though.