Help with Cartridge selection

I am in the process of setting up my first analog system in 20+ years. I bought a Basis 2100 but before it was shipped upgraded to the 2200 Signature w/ Vector 4 tonearm.
I listen to Jazz 75% of the time then everything else.
This is my third thread.... now I need help with a mid/low priced mc cartridge. I have narrowed my list to these:

1. Lyra Delos
2. Lyra Argo i
3 Ortofon Cadenza Blue or Red
4. Dynavector 20X-H
5. Dynavector Karat 17DS
6. Benz Micro Glider S
7. Soundsmith SWWC1 or Aida (MI cart)

I have been told by one seasoned anolog vet. That the Dynavector 10X5 would hold it's own with any of these carts. Any comments or suggestion would be welcomed and appreciated!

My system:
Pass Labs Xono
Aesthetix Calypso
Pass Labs Aleph 3s (2) bi-amp.
Audio Physic Virgo IIs
Rel Storm IIIs (2)
Mixed up bunch of wires.

Thanks for your help again,

I was always curious what you thought was the total worth of all your carts, tt's and tonearms?

I love your entire set-up but always wondered...:-)
best regards,

You are getting some good advice here. You have built a nice system and you have an excellent table. I'm not certain why you are aiming a little downscale -please readers don't jump all over me for saying this - for the cartridge. Raul could be correct regarding MM catridges. I respect his opinion, but I don't know since I haven't heard one in my system. I will say that I have a close friend who uses a Clearaudio Maestro MM with excellent results. You might want to contact Acoustic Sounds, Music Direct, and Elusive Disc and speak to their TT set-up people. Those folks sell just about every cart. on the planet and would have a good idea what will mate well with you arm, budget, and taste. All 3 dealers are usually helpful.
I'd have to agree with Bill & Dan ed. Your TT, arm and phono pre deserves much better cart than you have listed. One thought is that if you go with the Benz line, you may be able to pick up a factory rebuilt Ruby, Ebony or LP at a good discount. I believe the distributor is Audio Surroundings.

I had a Benz Glider which developed a problem while under warranty. They didn't have any in stock and made me a deal on the Ebony L that I couldn't turn down.
BTW, i am quite fond of the Ebony L. IMO, it has the qualities you are looking for.

Thanks for clarifying on sonics. Very helpful, and got you many informed responses.

My partner and I listen to classical more than jazz but our sonic goals seem similar. Acoustic instruments and unamplified, unprocessed vocals need a complete harmonic envelope and as much low level detail as possible. These are vital to our ears too, as Dan_Ed knows from hearing our system multiple times.

Agree with posters above that you should aim a bit higher if possible, both because the rest of your system will support it and because it's difficult to get the sonics you're after with inexpensive cartridges. Sad but true IME.

- Agree with Audiofeil: Soundsmith and Ortofon are not particularly adept at harmonics.

- Neither is the Nagaoka MP-50 mentioned by Raul, though it might take more transparent electronics than yours to fully reveal its peculiar treatment of harmonics. I suspect other MI cartridges might behavior similarly in this area.

- Agree with Larryi that the Delos is on the warm side compared to higher end Lyras. A Titan i might be a trace on the cool side but it would blow your sonic socks off in other respects, including all the areas you mentioned. Not cheap however...

- Agree with Larryi's characterization of the Orpheus L. A terrific cartridge that came pretty close to our reference ZYX UNIverse during a one day visit to our system last month. Again, very worthy but not inexpensive...

Dan mentioned ZYX. If your budget allows, an Atmos (now known as 4D) would let you hear everything you described and much, much more. In your system it should outplay the carts on your list by a very large margin.

The ZYX distributorship changed hands last year and things got a bit confused. I and others here are friendly with the old distributor, who's selling off old stock at substantial discounts, which represents an opportunity for you.

Read the Atmos review beneath my name. This is a near reference class cartridge (reasonably close to a Dynavector XV-1S, Titan i or Orpheus L) that can be had for around $2K. At that price it's a steal IMO. At the time we reviewed we thought it was competitive at $3500.

The ZYX UNIverse is superb in precisely the areas you mentioned. No cartridge we've heard matches its extraordinary reproduction of complex, delicate and extended harmonics (real harmonics, not faked or bloomed ones). The nearly unobtainable Lyra Olympos comes close, but those cost a fortune if you can find one at all. The UNIverse is both our reference and our daily use cartridge.

However, IMO that would be overkill for you at the moment. It would mess with your anticipated budget, it needs an practiced and involved hand to play at its best and its capabilities exceed some parts of your system. I fear you wouldn't hear all it can do and wouldn't be comfortable recommending one based on the information you've shared.

Enjoy the hunt, but enjoy the music more!