The influence of music on the body exceed many drugs designed by big pharma...
It is vastly underscored...
And to help elevating consciousness ...
The ragas music of India is specifically designed to do the two works on body and consciouness for the right moment of time in the day...
Speech as music because it is music also ( the mother voice for a baby etc ) help as much as drugs...But it is called psychology effect then placebo which are dismissed as non effective by ignorants paid by big pharma...
If you are anxious try this mantra for thirty minute and you will not need anti depressant today but to test it you must be already anxious if not you will post here that this repetite mantra is dull 😁
When i crossed anxiety level even Bach does not help me as much because a complex piece of music unlike a mantra ask too much attention and does not work inside my body as stay much longer in my mind first... In a word Bach music help to prevent anxieties not to cure it so well as a mantra or Monroe hemisynch...