High End Integrated Choices

I had posted earlier but haven't seen it so here goes again.

Need to make a shortlist of hi-end integrateds to match the following system:

Sony SCD777ES SACD Player, Acoustic Zen Matrix Ref II Interconnects and Satori Speaker cable connected to B&W 805S monitors.

Searching for feedback specifically on BAT V300X SE Integrated withe 6H30 super tube and McIntosh MC2275 Tube Integrated.



Showing 1 response by szutinglee

from what i have personally heard

1. Jadis JA30 + B&W Signature 805: emotional, refined, heavenly (i believe any Jadis integrated would produce a similar sound with B&W 805S)

2. Jeff Rowland Concerto + B&W 804S: powerful, clear, detailed, refined, exciting

3. McIntosh MA6500 + B&W Signature 805: easy to listen to, relaxed, enjoyable

hope this helps and best of luck!