The room matters a lot, do everything you can afford.
Yet the next step is most important .... do not buy anything unless
a. You NEED it. How do I know? Because you are BOTHERED and can NAME the ISSUE you wish to SOLVE
b. You have done an A/B in your space and you PREFER the new thing, FOR SURE.
From here it’s never ending. Hopefully you will go many years with a set up, but you may not. When you have amazing Speakers, Amps, Cables, DA etc ... then you might in time be bothered and fine tune it with AC cables perhaps, Fuses perhaps, Caps and Resistors perhaps.
The better the system the more obvious is any small change.
Small gains are often costly ... that’s the reality. Do you need them? See #1
A great thing can be costly or not. A bad thing can be costly too.
Enjoy the Process. For the Audiophile the system is the creativity, the instrument.