I would disagree with you about how much the room affects the sound. It affects it some but it’s not gonna make average equipment compete with the best of the best. Sorry that’s as direct as I can be.
I am tired by your misreading but i thank you for your invitation to post...
You seems a very good person to me then ... I want that to be clear...
Now i will clarify something you MISREAD about my experience...
No room acoustic will correct a bad design or compensate for it or replace gear choices...
But on the other hand No high end speakers and system can perform at their PEAK POTENTIAL in a bad room ...
Is it clear ?
And any low cost system will improve a lot with room acoustic controls BUT WILL NOT EXCEED THE POTENTIAL OF A HIGH END SYSTEM for sure ...
Is it clear ?
Now we can have a low cost systen that give a relatively good " audiophile" experience if we work with not only acoustic but with electrical noise floor control and vibration/resonancve control...
I call it the minimal acoustical satisfaction threshold ...
Is it clear ?
Then in no way a low cost system giving a minimal acoustical satisfaction threshold because of acoustic and electrical and mechanical control well done, in no way such system will rival some very high end system... The only exception may be high end system in bad room ...
is it clear ?
In a word claiming as you do that high end system exist and are better than low cost one , is a common place fact known by everyone even me ... What i said dont contradict that... But you dont seems to understand what i said ...
Psychoacoustics rule the gear not the price tag...
I thank you even if we differ because you are a gentleman ...
My deepest respect ...