I guess when you hear something great and the technology is truly different it intrigues you one hand and excites the ears on another. I go listen to systems all the time and I have heard three great ones this past week that sound completely opposite. One was more live natural and detailed with great speed and prat. The other one was organic with soundstage that filled the room and was totally rich as possible. The owners of the systems like their systems their way. I enjoyed both of these mega buck systems and could listen to both all day. They are two of the best I've heard at the cost no object price points. The other system was smaller and a mix of the two. It was one of the best sub 50,000 systems I have ever heard. There are different ways to get where you want to be.
A well stated point of view. I share your opinion completely and hope others experience same as they listen and learn. My own system has changed so much over the years to the point it's unrecognizable from where it began.
I have fond memories of the musical signature from each major variation and no matter what I have I reflect back and miss one strength or another that each variation offered.
I think this is much like music itself, some music is exciting, some soothing, some filled with passion and some soft and reflective. I think perhaps speakers are the major force but with good speakers it comes down to each component as well.