Ddraudt, ah, yes, I have been evaluating the Furutech GTX-D Rhodium and Gold through my tube/solid state head phone amp that is built in my cd-player with High-end cans, I have along ways to go till final impressions, however, there is some similarity's in sound, they are really as different as night and day over all, but they do share the Furutech house sound,if that makes any sence, 24 hrs is all I have got, It is a bitch pulling one out of the wall and installing the other,back and fourth, back and fourth,for each componet one at a time,kinda makes me believe this hobby is crazy!, essentially I believe the Rhodium is really incredible sounding to say the least, Dave, this may take God know's how long, now I understand why TBG said he does not like compairing outlets, I agree!