High order crossovers

Do or can high order crossovers rob a speaker system of more dynamics?

Thank you Roy!! If you see any mistakes in my posts, PLEASE correct me!

Roy makes the best-imaging speakers I know of. If I hadn’t crossed over to the Dark Side and become a manufacturer, I’d still be a dealer for him.

Anyway just to clarify a bit, imo my bass cabs actually have pretty good woofers - my point was that thermal compression can be fairly audible when it sets in.

The bass guitar world is less prejudiced against little guys than the high-end audio world.  If you’re REALLY bored, one of my bass cabs was just reviewed by Bass Gear Magazine: http://https//www.bassgearmag.com/audiokinesis-changeling-c112t-bass-cab-real-world-science-fiction/

They seemed to think it didn’t suck too bad.

Anyway I hear what you’re saying about capacitors. I’ve not paid much attention to capacitor quality in the past, kinda just threw some money at the issue and hoped for the best. Recently I’ve gotten some valuable advice from someone who knows a lot more about capacitors than I do, so I changed a few things and yup it makes a difference.

I’m going to start listening for the "On/Off" phenomenon you describe. Totally agree with you about the importance of low-level details. THANK YOU for the heads-up!


I think one needs to look at loudspeakers as the sum of their design and parts. Focusing on one aspect like networks not really useful for if wanting greater dynamics in loudspeakers one looks for a more dynamic design and it could have a good num of network types while still achieving that performance goal. Personally I prefer simple networks and  physical alignments but the reason I prefer simple if possible is the increase in detail and soul not dynamic range. When I design if requiring too complicated a network I redesign I look at it like a design flaw .        But with all things YMMV.

" Resistors represent a fundamental component in the toolbox. Resistors reduce voltage, reduce gain,

Yes, right right ..

... reduce dynamics"

Woah, no, they don’t. They could only do this if they were non-linear. Resistors are the most linear parts in the entire audio chain, except wire. If you are going this way, you might as well get rid of every volume control and only listen at full output. Hahaha. :)

I think you are confusing output level (dB SPL) with the ability to present music without compression. The latter is how I define dynamics.

High sensitivity drivers like in horns have the advantage in dynamics not because they are loud, but because they suffer much less from thermal compression. That is, the coils and motors heat up less and can handle more heat.

While resistors and other crossover components and even drivers may suffer from this, it is up to the designer to keep all of them well within spec. None of this makes the argument that high order (4th) is less dynamic than low-order (1st, 2nd).

This is why I use 5W resistors when 2W are called for. :) 


@audiokinesis    Duke,  well thought out accurate explanations
@erik_squires    Erik,  nice add on comments
@audiokinesis "So it is not obvious to me that series resistance reduces the voltage ratios that a driver sees, and therefore I do not see how it would reduce the dynamic contrast. The volume level being reduced is not the same thing as the dynamic contrast being reduced."

@erik_squires "Resistors are the most linear parts in the entire audio chain, except wire."

While I’m trying to keep my posts as brief as possible, I’m glad the topic of resistors came up. I also used to think like the points raised. As I built speakers, I spent an incredible amount of time on crossovers, listening and auditioning, tweaking values and configurations, then doing it all over again. Moving up in complexity did impact dynamics, to the point of losing the ideal match between amplifier and loudspeaker because of it. I also noticed the damage resistors did to the sound, and it left me perplexed. Even the best resistors I found sounded surprisingly and disappointingly bad (though not nearly as bad as capacitors) in comparison to nothing. Later, I began building amplifiers, and noticed how even more profound the effect of resistors really are.

Along the way, I was fortunate to work as a material scientist / R & D chemist during the time when electronic materials needed reformulation because of the environmental legislation (CE, ROHS, etc) requiring the elimination of materials such as mercury, lead, cadmium, etc. Among our many products, my company provided the resistor materials to CTS, Dale, General Motors, Ohmite, TRW, Vishay, and others that manufacture the resistors such as get used in HEA, although our audio world is like a bucket of water in the ocean. It proved the most exciting time in the industry since the 1960s when the original formulas were developed. I was incredibly lucky to be at the right place at the right time to do such work in going back and essentially getting to start from a clean sheet of paper, and to learn how such technologies impacted our hobby.

Knowing what’s actually inside quickly proves thinking those resistors coming anywhere close to the copper and silver wire we employ in our cabling and internal wire as simply and fundamentally wrong. It opened my eyes to why resistors sound so poor, with some sounding much worse than others.

One of the fundamental characteristics of resistors is temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR), which you can find in most resistor product / sales literature. TCR quantifies how much the value of the resistor changes in relation to temperature, down to -55C and up to 125C. As most of the world (especially, the military) considers it imperative a resistor not change value in relation to temperature, a neutral (0 PPM - parts per million) TCR is the goal of most companies producing resistors. And in fact, most modern (unlike the old carbon composition) resistors do exceedingly well with that, carrying a TCR of +/- 50PPM or even +/- 25PPM. Not getting too technical, except to say that means the resistance in relation to temperature remains quite stable. On the other hand, we know the resistance of metals typically behave quite the opposite of that, as resistance rises (substantially, in fact) with temperature, which we refer to as positive TCR. For example, the resistance increase of copper is 0.393% for every increase in degree Celcius, and vice versa. As I said, it’s substantial. That’s exactly what Duke described in terms of thermal compression of a driver, which definitely trumps crossover design and implementation - when it comes to dynamics and everything else. At some point, the resistance of the voice coil due to its temperature rise precludes it from behaving as it did previous to that in handling the signal passed to it.

How do we produce resistors with the impressively neutral TCR specifications I mentioned? The formulations, logically, include materials that have substantially negative TCR profiles to balance / shift things from positive toward the desired 0 TCR. What sort of materials possess negative TCRs? Semiconductors (materials that only conduct electricity under certain conditions) or non-conductors / insulators such as ceramics (bismuth trioxide most famously, but also compounds like titanium dioxide, barium titanate, boron triphosphate, calcium oxide, and on and on and on) and infinitely (literally) varied glass formulations. Although these materials may not conduct electricity themselves, they can exert a strong enough influence on the resistor as a whole to bring the TCR down to the desired level. Glass provides the fusing material for the resistor to attach (literally melts and fuses) to the substrate as it goes through the especially violent sintering process in a high (1100F - 1600F) temperature furnace, as well as the means of forming the conductive (quite far away from what "wire" looks like) matrix of the metallic conductive components, as well as often (and, hopefully) benefiting the TCR situation. In fact, as the old timers used to say, "It ALL comes down to the glass." The main driver for formulating new products was the elimination from lead and cadmium from the glass. Lead oxide, which as in other fields such as leaded crystal and decorative glass, yields very low temperature melting, wonderful performing glass, and provided the extremely high-performing resistors that came out of the 60s. The presumption of most around the world was the new "green" materials would never come close to the ones they were replacing due to the removal of lead and cadmium. In fact, most of our competitors green products looked downright scary. Through a two-pronged approach, but mostly from the grace of God, I was fortunate to actually end up with resistors that were superior to the old products, to the astonishment and disbelief of my boss who developed our products in the 60s. Our testing showed them to be the finest, highest performing low resistivity (0.01 Ohm/square - 10 Ohm/square) resistor material in the world.

Wirewound resistors fare no better, as instead of using the sort of wire materials we might expect in HEA, they consist of alloys of base metals such as nickel and chromium, again with negative TCR compounds as part of their proprietary formulations to produce the desired neutral TCR specification. I mostly avoid the religious wars on cable, fuses, etc., but my experience makes me to allow for the possibility of yielding positive results by employing much improved conductive materials. And instead of a 0.5" or 1" wire in a fuse, consider the very, very many feet that makes up a wirewound resistor.

As one can imagine, reducing the TCR of such heavily positive materials down to 0 or 25, 50, 100, or even 500PPM, typically requires substantial amounts of these negative TCR materials. To anyone who has chased audio cable with increasingly pure levels of copper or silver, say from 99.9% to 99.9999% through the reduction of compounds (what we call impurities) like oxygen in the quest for improved sonic performance, this admittedly must come as more than a shock. Conductive content as part of the overall (conductors, sintering aids, glass, additives, dopants) end product could even drop as low as 5 or 10%, though it’s typically far higher in order to produce a reliable conductive matrix. Products get sold as a series, normally each product representing a decade of resistance 10X higher or lower than the next in the lineup. More conductive products contain more of the conductive material. Less conductive (more resistive) products contain less, up to a point, that is. At some point, a lack of conductive material no longer supports a conductive matrix, and one moves up to a different series, featuring a higher resistance element as its conductor.

It may sound less pristine and "right" than we imagined, yet while still leaving out a lot of the details, that’s how resistors get made. Look at electron micrographs of the end result, and some will leave you to wonder how any HEA component using them could ever allow the purity and beauty of the music to pass through without looking like a car wreck.

Does anyone still think resistors are close to "wire"? And is it now even just a little easier to think the pinball trip through these resistors could possibly negatively impact dynamics, or by multiplying their number or complexity of the circuits that employ them could result in same?