Thats fair enough Charles, if the case. I'm not questioning anything other than the fact that the Decapo speakers, which Rebbi obviously loves were not sufficient enough, or maybe, lets just explore this further to see what might be possible. I agree, there is no ideal amplifier BUT if one is committed to an SET amplifier the question might be, what is the ideal speaker choice for ALL the music I prefer listening to, what would take? Shouldn't that be a legitimate consideration or point to pose?
Big band is not orchestral/large scale music Charles and much less taxing on an amplifier than large scale. So far as SET owners enjoying a large spectrum of music I would only ASK what are the speakers they are using with the SET and what are their listening choices? Really Charles, I'm not debating the merits of SETs with a given speaker only that those reading THIS thread shoule be well aware of limitations depending on their musical choices. It just hasn't been discussed enough and for an individual that may be influenced by the merits of SET amplifiers a worthy point. One thing I always love in this hobby is folks with passion and this most certainly includes you Charles, I would LOVE to hear your set-up, I'm sure it's quite special!
Big band is not orchestral/large scale music Charles and much less taxing on an amplifier than large scale. So far as SET owners enjoying a large spectrum of music I would only ASK what are the speakers they are using with the SET and what are their listening choices? Really Charles, I'm not debating the merits of SETs with a given speaker only that those reading THIS thread shoule be well aware of limitations depending on their musical choices. It just hasn't been discussed enough and for an individual that may be influenced by the merits of SET amplifiers a worthy point. One thing I always love in this hobby is folks with passion and this most certainly includes you Charles, I would LOVE to hear your set-up, I'm sure it's quite special!