"Time to retire the SET limitation cliches."
Charles, c'mon get real.
Are you saying SETs do not have limitations?
Fact is they are the MOST limited of amp designs. One has to adapt in other places to make them work well.
Not to say that they cannot work well when mated with the right gear, but it is a disservice to suggest a SET amp with just a few watts does not have limitations.
Its not a cliche but a fact that just s few watts IS A LIMITATION.
Not an insurmountable one, nor one that might not well be outweighed by other benefits in some cases, but a limitation nonetheless.
One will have to jump through some very special hoops for best results, as Rebbi has recently determined as well.
We all love what we love but let's just keep it real. :^)
Charles, c'mon get real.
Are you saying SETs do not have limitations?
Fact is they are the MOST limited of amp designs. One has to adapt in other places to make them work well.
Not to say that they cannot work well when mated with the right gear, but it is a disservice to suggest a SET amp with just a few watts does not have limitations.
Its not a cliche but a fact that just s few watts IS A LIMITATION.
Not an insurmountable one, nor one that might not well be outweighed by other benefits in some cases, but a limitation nonetheless.
One will have to jump through some very special hoops for best results, as Rebbi has recently determined as well.
We all love what we love but let's just keep it real. :^)