Very similar hardware!
Had a Bel Canto S300 for a while. Did not like it at all. It would have made a good sub amp, but everything else sounded the same as my Yamaha surround sound receiver. It was driven by higher end Arc tube pre and very good digital, into my dyn s3.4. While I do understand this is the "beginner" class D amp, I did feel like, based on all the favorable reviews it would give me some insight into the character of sound from this topology. Whatever the reason, I did not like it.
I also had a plinius sa102...dissapinted. Too smooth and polite for my tastes, I guess (hey we all hear things differently!)
I have used (and still do) an ARC 100.2 with the same speakers and find this a very hard to beat combo. I had a VT100MKii also with the s3.4s and it was very beautiful sound in the midband, but lethargic and underpowered for these 4 ohm nominal loads. I find the 100.2 MUCH better. I also had a pass x250.5 and while that amp had an increased sense of resolution and could make the speakers play at insane levels, the 100.2 seems to have an even richer more lucid midrange and sparkly highs. Bass control is very very good and belies the modest rating of the amp.
A friend had Bat vk500 and when we used the 100.2 with his rig (he had the same speakers) he sold the bat and was looking for the ARC-- it never came up and he had a thing for mac's and got the 402. that was a very good sound as well.
I remain extremely impressed with the 100.2. I currently have it driven with a bel canto dac 3 direct via XLRs. I feel like i would have to spend upwards of $5K on an amp to substantially improve upon the results i'm getting with the 100.2.
I highly rec the 100.2 with the dyns. A very synergistic match.
Good luck on the amp merry go round!