Higher End DACs

I am looking for a DAC (potentially streamer&DAC) to be paired in a mcintosh system (c1100/611). Its my first foray into digital streaming and I have no need for a CD player.

I see a lot of love for Esoteric, however, most seems to be around their transports? Are they not as renowned for pure digital streaming and/or standalone DACs? I see DCS (for instance) often referenced for standalone DACs - how does Esoteric compare?
I dont believe in miraculous solution in general, when they exist they are always high cost.

There exist differences between each rung of the 3 rungs scale, an amplifier of 500 dollars cannot beat a 10,000 one....But this being said, the fabulous upgrading of the sound I live with a low cost budget has transformed totally my system in this " emotional" space where it is impossible to turn off any musical files because it is too beautiful and unique...I trusted my ears and they guide me each step at a time....The ears know much than our conscious brain...

I am not a fool ,there exist better systems than mine, my point is not boasting about my system, my point is debating the belief that it is necessary to pay big money to afford this "emotional" musical space... For me the dimensions of sound necessary to enjoy music are : natural timbre, imaging, soundstage, immersive presence, details, 3-d very precise locations of main instruments and background...Presence of harmonics in relations with all or most of the spectrum...My 4 points methods address the 4 level of perceived musical sound... I will not repeat it here tough.... I just want to gives hope to all people with low cost budget...I enjoy very much what I have and know why.... My best to all....

The money will never guarantee you anything. People think and talk about brands and products all the time in audio. It proves that they do not understand sound and audio at all. I now have contact with several new clients in the US as well. I was surprised how much further we are in audio than people in the US are.

Many people in the US still connect their systems often directly to the wall. When I said this to my clients, many of them started to laugh and were surprised about this.

We also create special audio groups in electricity for our clients. People forget that due to trial&error you can only get access to a rather limited level in the end result of every single part of their system.

When you are not able to understand the DNA of each individual product you use, your choices become even laughable. The saddest part in audio is the fact that most audio products can not reveal all aspects of sound.

This has a huge negative impact on each system you imply these products. It will always lower the level of the emotion of the whole system. Many sources and DACS can only create a very limited level in the layering of sound. The harmonics on the recording are the most important part of the emotion music possesses.

People make often the wrong decisions in sources too. First by buying network players and DACS who are not even able to reveal all aspects of sound. And second, they forget most aspects who negatively influence their source and DAC.
Where is the long sought ‘IGNORE’ button...I sure would like to skip  through all those posts by bo 😉
A 10,000 thousands dollars dac cannot be used with 1000 amplifier+speakers...Then like you said the question is not about money "per se"...There is 3 rungs in the scale...We must know at which rung a product is in term of quality/ price...

Second point, plugging directly to the wall is destructive of the sound, but you can alleviate that with modified and tweaked battery off the grid, or like me with homemade noise cleaning devices all along the electrical grid of the house, whose efficiency are vey high at relatively low costs...I will never upgrade my dac because of his low cost, and low noise with its minimal design, and no evident limitations in my 500 hundred dollars audio system...Each rung of the scale must be filled with products in the same rung...

My methods was not trials and errors in the way of a buying spree process, my methods was correction a step at a times during one year, by a trials and error with systematic listenings experiments and corrections by feed back with low costs homemade creations, at the end of which my audio system were able to gives me emotions...Total cost: 1000 dollars E.C. +tweaks... I dont calculate one thousand dollars of trials and errors in unsucessful buyings before my systematic series of experiments, keeping always the good gear I owned after my buying spree...

The general problem in audio is simple: people dont trust their ears, and dont give themselves the means to learn how to listen with experiments...

By the way each one of us possess a unique and particular hearing system, with is limits, and deficiencies.... I dont speak when I speak about hearing to some superhuman perceiving bat power in me or others...I am 68 years old....I speak about working with our own listening potential in a learning process...

I silence myself now.... Sorry if I had speak too much... My best to all...