Higher End DACs

I am looking for a DAC (potentially streamer&DAC) to be paired in a mcintosh system (c1100/611). Its my first foray into digital streaming and I have no need for a CD player.

I see a lot of love for Esoteric, however, most seems to be around their transports? Are they not as renowned for pure digital streaming and/or standalone DACs? I see DCS (for instance) often referenced for standalone DACs - how does Esoteric compare?
Back on topic, I’ll echo @mikelavigne ’s point about pairing the DAC with a top-notch streamer and, I would add, a signal rejuvenator /re-clocker.

I recently auditioned top-class DACs (see here). The improvement brought upon by the streamer (i.e. "source" signal) & the Timing device that followed was not subtle!
In fact, one could tone down the DAC budget to make room for a re-clocker & server!
I might be wrong but I believe ufguy73 was interested in streaming from the internet not from a server since he didn't have CDs to put on one. If you're going the server route then yes it can make a difference but streaming from the internet a server isn't in the equation unless you intend to buy downloaded music or CDs to RIP to it. 
Just to clarify further, OP is a newbie as far digital / streaming goes. One box solution like DCS Bartok or Lumin X1 or Aurender A30 will allow simple setup. All of the above are loaded with thoughtful features to wet his appetite.

If the goal is to build a SOTA digital setup then something like full stack of MSB Premier or DCS Rossini which runs deep into $30K price range.

You can always go the ‘separates’ route with streamer and DAC which gives the maximum flexibility to pick and choose the best possible components based on features and personal preferences.

Aurender, Innuos and Lumin offers the best stand alone streamers. The latter two gives Roon option in addition to their proprietary apps.

My top 5 DAC’s to consider, EMM Labs DA2, AQUA Formula xHD, Berkeley Reference Series 3, DCS Rossini and Brinkman Nyquist MKII.
My 2 bits of recent experience:

This past October I had the  Innuos Zenith -- Chord TT2 -- M. Scaler. It was incredibly detailed but found the sound a little thin. Happened upon a Lumin X1 (purchased here) and it literally blew my gourd. Every bit as detailed as the Chord stack but fuller, less fatiguing. Now putting the finishing touches on what I consider to be my endgame 2ch rig built around the X1. 
I've been at this game a long time (just ask Lalitik), so I don't make this claim lightly, it's really that good.