Home audio system recommendations


I hope I have this in the correct forum.

I’m new to this forum and returning to home audio after about a 35 year absence. I am looking to replace my very old system and would be interested in what your recommendations would be.

I enjoy a wide range of genres but primarily gravitate towards rock. About the only genres to do not care for is metal, hip hop/rap and opera and even in those genres I have found cuts that I like.

I was also a part time drummer for many years as well as a front of house audio engineer, that was good enough to freelance with a couple of the larger regional audio production companies in my area.

I am not a technician and have been out of the business now for about 12 years so a lot off the technical jargon is lost on me primarily because I have forgotten what it is.
I like what I call a rich sound. A modified flat, ear response curve with a little bump up in frequencies at 5K and up, a little bigger bump up at 100hz and down and dip in the in the 1K to 2K range. I also like it loud.

The only piece of high end audio equipment I’m familiar with is Magnepan. I love their clarity and accuracy but I’m not sure they can deliver the very low end that I’m looking for, at least not by them selves. I’ve also heard some Bowers & Wilkins that I’ve liked.

As far as amps and preamps I have no idea as to what I am doing. I have listened to a couple of McIntosh amps and I was not impressed. I thought they were rather thin sounding. I have also listened to a couple of Bel Canto amps, a Coda Technology and an Audio Research amp, all of which I thought were better than the McIntosh amps.

I do not know the models of any of the gear that I have listened to with the exception of the Bel Canto which was their current e series mono block amps with their e 3.7 DAC/Preamp. All other amps were integrated.

I would not call myself a purist. I’m just interested in good clean sound with some solid low end thump. Any recommendations?


The room can and will probably change. The current room is 10' x 14'.
I don't want to influence responses at this time by stating a budget. The current plan is to assemble the system over time by scouring the secondary market. Having said that if a single component is priced at 20K or more it's a good bet that it won't happen.

My current system contains a pair of smaller magnepans that are approximately 10 years old and is the newest and best component that I have so these will more than likely be that last piece that I replace. Kind of a backwards way of doing things but the unfortunate reality that I have to face.


You have some interesting requirements, a bump in 5Khz+, bump in 100hz bass, but a dip in 1-2khz midrange.  You definitely do not want a speaker that has a full bodied midrange.  Avoid Dynaudio and Morel speakers.  The Dynaudio and Morel speakers have a tube-like bloom in the midrange.  The Tannoy speakers have typically had a very laid back midrange, but not clear.

In my opinion, my absolute favorite speaker is the B&W D3 series.  It is very engaging.  However, it is very flat and real - so it has a very full and strong midrange.

For your tastes, I would seriously look into Wilson Audio speakers.  Wilson likes to use Scanspeak drivers for their midrange and a modified Scanspeak tweeter.  The Scanspeak drivers are extremely resolving, but I think they are slightly thin in the midrange.  This might be what you're looking for if you want a dip in the 1-2-khz range.

TMR Audio has some Wilson Audio Sophia 3 speakers for sale at about $11k.  These are crystal clear clean sounding speakers with a slightly thinner midrange and a very powerful bass/midbass response.  The Sophia's use a titanium tweeter which is somewhat bright (you like the 5khz+ bump), but still use the Scanspeak midrange.  They are 4 ohm speakers, so I would look at a very high current amplifier so that the bass is not weak.  Parasound JC1 monoblocks come to mind, but the amplifiers can really be anything.

Wilson Watt Puppy are nice too, but they are definitely a lot older (maybe up to 20 years).

Proac speakers also have your desired character, but they are not going to be as good as the Wilsons, and definitely not as strong in the bass.

In my own way of defining things, I would call B&W D3 a richer sounding speaker because the midrange is more solid and full with more resolution.  It is not going to sound as clean/clear as the Wilson.  This may not be what your looking for, however.

The B&W Diamond (D2) series has a softer midrange than the D3, but it is also not going to sound as clean/clear as the Wilson.

There is a pair of Focal Electra 1028 BE's for sale now on this site! $4800 + shipping from Michigan. List price was $7000. A superior speaker than any listed above! 
You have some interesting requirements
Yeah, Live audio will do that to you.

but the amplifiers can really be anything.
This was kinda what I was thinking, but in reading through a different thread in the forum where some guys were stating that some tube amps couldn't reproduce solid low end and solid state was deficient in other areas and me being a novice at this level and having to piecemeal a system together over time I thought I would turn to the experts whom have been at this for awhile.

Tone is the utmost importance for me and if I can't get the windows in the house to rattle with each kick drum beat while the system is delivering clear, warm and intelligible mids and crystalline highs for that little touch of sugar I might as well just listen to my iPod. (Maybe a tad over stated but you get the picture)

ARC amps seem to be popular in my area and with the limited research that I have done they appear to be a pretty good product, but if they can't deliver the low end I'm looking for than I want to know that before I purchase one as opposed to after. I'm also assuming to achieve the low end that I want I would have to incorporate a subwoofer.

I have heard some B&W speakers and have liked what I have heard. I have not heard any Wilson Audio speakers but have seen some. TMR Audio and Focal Electra I have not heard of. Physical speaker size may be an issue since I am a small guy and would need to move them around, including stairs, on my own.

I will start doing some research on the gear that has been mentioned so far.

Thanks everyone for your help.
Tone is the utmost importance for me and if I can't get the windows in the house to rattle with each kick drum beat while the system is delivering clear, warm and intelligible mids and crystalline highs for that little touch of sugar I might as well just listen to my iPod.

It appears that you have conflicting goals. I'm not saying that a sound system cannot deliver on the above. Rather that one's ears / hearing/processing will be overwhelmed by the 'kick drums rattling the windows and the subsequent reflected waves to (your word) 'intelligently' process all the other stuff, at the levels of warmth and clarity you are asking for.