Hey thanks for answers folks :) Lot of knowledgable people here. My knowledge is kind of stuck in the 70s when I was "into" what I considered "high end" equipment, as least the best I could afford, usually something from the "Absolute Sound" (no, could not afford Audio Research tube stuff :)). No problem hooking up 4 ohm speaks in those days, in fact usually got quite a bit more power into 4 ohms.
Hooking up sub
Hi, I'd like to hook up a powered sub (Energy ES8) to an older Technics HT receiver. There is no sub output on reciever. I was told not to use the "B" speaker hookup as this could screw up impedence. I was thinking, could I hook up to tape RCA outputs Get an adaptor that merges the L+R into one RCA cable since normal sub output is mono anyway? If not what would be the best way to do this? The sub is powered and has a volume control and a crossover selector knob. By the way will be using 6 speakers, the front and rear L+R, center and the sub, all Energy speakers.
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