Hot off the press...Technics SL 1300G

I'm an admirer of the current lineup. Appears to be solid for the price point-$3200?

Once a Matt is on that platter, can a reflex clamp be used on that stubby spindle?

What do you DD users do with those less than flat gems found in the bins?



Wow, that’s too bad. JP refurbished my EPA-100 in Feb, changing the bearings and wire and fixing the bias, among other things. It sounds wonderful. He did say he was going to close in April but I thought he meant for vacation. Now I feel extremely lucky.

JP Jones found the tiny flaw in a PCB that was causing my Victor TT101 to malfunction, after two other excellent techs could not. I then also bought his recreation of the MN6042 chip, which he installed in my SP10 mk3, even though the OEM chip was working fine (because JPs discrete version affords a small improvement in speed accuracy vs the original). So thanks, JP, wherever you are.

I own a 1200G. I also have both a SOTA clamp and an HRS weight. I prefer the weight because the clamp imposes stress on the spindle whereas the weight does not. I cannot detect any sonic difference in the use of one over the other. 

The arm lift is manual and works very well. 

"I prefer the weight because the clamp imposes stress on the spindle whereas the weight does not. I cannot detect any sonic difference in the use of one over the other."


So you can fit a rubber washer, place a LP over that and the clamp has enough spindle to dish the LP flat?