How can I improve my CD sound?

Anyone out there know the secret as to why I can't listen to cd's on any of my players I've tried or anyone elses either? What is interesting is that I can listen to FM, which is mostly CD's and I don't get the ear pain I get from mine. Why not a bother? Don't give me any easy answers. I've tried them more that likely. I've spoken to the engineers at many radio stations and they all tell me that they are not placing any "correction" electronics at their stations. Got to be an answer to this. Love to be able to to listen to them. Thanks, you guys!.
Every CD player is different. A laid back sound (What comes to mind first are Marantz SA-11s12? SA-7s1? SA-15s1?). Simaudio? Accuphase? Classe? Read some reviews and try to get a clue from that. Audition carefully. System synergy plays a real big role. Thanks

>>It takes the harshness away<<


Not all solid state is harsh/etchy and not all tubes are lush/warm.

>>and it sounds even better too.<<

Totally untrue.

Most of the best digital gear is solid state.
No question, CD is an unforgiving medium. It's takes attention to detail and a good player. Everything matters- power cord, interconnects, vibration control/isolation, demagnetizing discs before play, cleaning off the mold release, treating the surface...
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Modest(average) CD players are very sensitive to AC noise incoming and also output digital noise which is very audible.
The beauty of FM broadcast is that you don't have the digital electronics of a CD player creating the digital noise into your system; and, many quality broadcasters have some form of AC conditioning(balanced power)for their systems.
Your CD player will be far more listenable if you use isolation/conditioning on the AC feeding it and will improve further if you do the same for your preamp.
Best wishes for improved sound, there's a lot of great music on CD.