I want to know for those who have arrived got their best system together. What is the story behind how you ended up with your gear and will you be happy for a long time with it.


Showing 50 responses by calvinj

@dentdog my system is my stress reliever.  Music makes me smile and allows me to think clearly.  Thanks for you sharing.  

@vthokie83 music is my medication.  Keeps me calm. Allows me to think clearly. Takes the stress of practicing law away. It allows me to reflect. It allows me to put life in perspective. It’s not just gear and songs. It’s an escape.  

@harleyujoe i understand. I been in 24 years now at 52 and it is a journey.  I’m in a good place. I’m finding music and trying tweaks and doing little things. I’m enjoying it. 

@sls883 i get it I started out with some cm9 and some def tech. I flipped sold and spent over the years while learning. Now I have great gear along with the knowledge to understand how good and how to use it all. I’ve made more money now so I could get whatever I wanted. But the knowledge to get right stuff has been  priceless 

@mswale i think you gotta enjoy awhile before the next upgrade. I’m at a point where I will not be changing components for awhile. I might tweak. But I’m in a great place. 

@knotscott got in doing collections for high fidelity cables 15 years ago.  Then I got slowly introduce to more and more folks and systems in the hobby.  I was blessed to hear super high priced gear before I could afford it. I learned and by chance met Hans Looman at Infigo. Who is about as more sound obsessed than I am which I didn’t think was possible. Man I look back I’ve met great guys and people in this hobby.  Great listening sessions too!

@terry9 i understand. I also a guy Bob Spence.  Showed me a lot of tweaks along the way with getting great gear. It’s been great. 

@jayctoy after 17 years of chasing. I met Hans Looman we did a show together. Infigo Audio had not been born yet he was with another company.  We had a room together at a show and initially using the equipment that was there it didn’t sound right.  I travel with a bag of cables and my cables literally fixed it all. He was surprised told me about this amp he was building. I brushed it off then he decided he was going to fly to Dallas from Canada with his amp and put it up against my KR AUDIO. Well I invited my friends over and he blew my amp away in front of 15 friends at my house. I decided that day I was gonna work with him. Infigo Audio was born and the next thing you know. I got the Dac, amp and now streamers.  I was actually the ear for our cables. The combination has me in heaven. I guess because I got to play an active part in getting to this happy  place I’m in it’s been great.  Working with someone who,is as ocd about sound as I am has been great. Then we both listen to a wide range of different music. I had learned so much before I met Hans then to by chance run into him while creating amazing gear has been great. I’m happy. I’m listening as we speak. Saturday night relaxing listening to some sweet sounds.  Lot of time and money I spent getting here but it’s worth it. I learned a lot over the years. Right now I’m in a great place.  

@mswale we give free trials on Infigo cables. Let me know.  I’m glad you are enjoying your journey. Keep building.  Yes good sound is like a drug. I’m now tapping my vein as we speak. Lol! 

  • @mksun one thing I have learned is my music brings me joy. Also you can achieve your dream sound . Yes I gave an expensive system. My speakers are 14k my dac is 35k. My amp 20k streamer 5k subs (2) 4k each. 10k cabling. Around 90k. But you still can get a very pleasing sound being smart and knowledgeable. 
  • @mksun one thing I have learned is my music brings me joy. Also you can achieve your dream sound . Yes I gave an expensive system. My speakers are 14k my dac is 35k. My amp 20k streamer 5k subs (2) 4k each. 10k cabling. Around 90k. But you still can get a very pleasing sound being smart and knowledgeable. 

@everyone I have so much more to share. I got into the business side by happenstance. I was allowed to hear the supreme high end early. I had long auditions of equipment that I initially couldn’t afford. Then eventually I out myself in a position to by some of the best stuff.  I got lucky with the Gato Fm6 speaker which is a hidden gem in audio. 14k sounds like a 40 to 50k quality speaker. My Infigo gear rivals the best in the business from a design and performance standpoint. I like instrument heavy music with losts of layering detail and transparency. My system does it in spades. I wouldn’t trade my system for anything 2 to 3 times the price of what I have right now because it’s built on performance not perception. Sound and sound quality over everything.  It’s engaging and I’m over the moon happy. 

@phusis  quite the story. Learn all you can. Get the most out of whatever gear you can get your hands on. Use what you have learned through the fullest and enjoy. 

@akg_ca i definitely understand how you feel. But sometimes you can get to a point of just being happy.  I’m in that place with my system.  If I won a billion right now. I wouldn’t change any of my components. Maybe I would get a better room. lol. But components I’m happy sometimes you have to allow yourself to be happy. To me that can be your dream system. 

@decooney i got lucky with my gato fm6 speaker. Even though my dac and amp total are 4 times the price of my speaker. But I put more emphasis on the electronics than most. But the design and performance of my gato with my all Infigo  electronics and cabling has put me in my own audio nirvana. I wouldn’t change any of it. I’m in a great place. Just finding new music at this point and enjoying. 

@everyone. My journey actually started with my uncle gifting me a turntable and an Alexander O’Neal album! When I was about 9 years old. That was the very beginning. Some of your responses made me go back to the very beginning. 

@bassbuyer well said. Hans is as ocd about sound as I am. A match made in heaven. I listen as much as I can to my system. But I stopped listening in morning because it was making me late to work. lol. I’m excited to be a part of company that brought me to the best sound I have ever had in my life. It’s a beautiful thing. Going to audio shows are nit work for me. They are vacation listening sessions. I spend time now trying to find music.  Tweaking a little and just happy listening to my favorite stuff 

@ghdprentice same kind of thing with me.  I wanted an organic sound but with loads of detail, great dimensionality and excellent image placement. Also I like silky like vapor type airy treble. All of these things in one system can be hard be hard to do and still have balance.  I have managed to achieve this. 

@ricred1 glad we were able to assist you with some of our cabling.  Also thank you for sharing your journey.  Most think I’m in the business of audio for money.  I have my own company for 23 years. I don’t do it for that.  I do it so that I can help folks get there.  That’s why we give free trials. I’m glad that you have found your way to the great system you have. I’m glad that Infigo Audio cables are a part of it.  Thank you. 

@moto_man congrats. Man I tell people all the time. This job is high stress.  Music is the release that makes me happy.  Then on top of that to listen to musicians and vocalists put their entire souls into it all.  I have an all Infigo system.  Amp, streamer , dac, Infigo cabling, gato fm6 speakers and 2 rel 212se subs for the bass.  I’m arrived at this system by chance.  Most haven’t heard my speaker. But when I do demos they are wowed. Keep listening my man and enjoy. 

@decooney i have thrown mega buck amplifier and sources at the gato and it performs in spades.  When I put the Infigo Audio stuff on them. They just kept performing. Not missing a beat. I was at a show with a 75k speaker and I still preferred my 14k gatos on my infigo gear. I’ve tried to replace them but they say no sir. We are here for life. lol 😂 

@decooney the audio gods smiled on me. Me and Hans were looking for the same kind of sound. He recognized it early and we chased and improved. Chased and improved. When we go to shows people ask me about other stuff I heard that I liked and I tell them I’m enjoying our stuff so much I rarely leave the room. 

@nitrobob i hear you my brother.  I know I’m in a good place because I no longer equipment search. That’s a sign. When you music search only you are in a great place.  I’m music searching only.  

@brauser i understand completely after years of searching im in a great place now. Im just gonna stay right where i am. If there is better out here the so be it. My system is giving me all the things I like so im gonna stand pat and be happy! 

I have a great speaker. But I started to pay way more to source, amplification and cabling that didn’t take anything away from the music. 

@everyone. I think your speaker is important.  But I learned to focus on the sources and quality amplification and cabling that does not impede the sound. It’s cool to have a great speaker but if you feed it with junk you will,get junk. 

@smerk i understand 100%. I have arrived at my final system.  No more chasing for me. I have a lot of money into my rig. But I enjoy it and I’m at a point to where even to get a little better I would have to spend a lot of money. I’m happy and I will allow this system to just play me music and be happy with it. That’s a great feeling.  If you are happy that’s all that matters. 

@squared80 i understand your point of view.  However, my journey has been different. I literally peaked the interest and gained the respect of our owner by simply pulling out cables of a show system and providing the ones that’s literally changed the sound of the system in a great way. I have literally tried almost everything.  It has allowed me to understand it’s not what they add but what they don’t take away. They should allow you to hear your speakers and your electronics in the best light. What has worked for you and me may not work for everyone.  Enjoy your journey and the music. Thanks for the responses. 

@exupgh12 it took me a while along this journey. I was blessed to find a company to work with that had the sound I was seeking.  We actually used my speaker and brand of speaker to test the electronics.  It has allowed me to pinpoint any defects and deficiencies in my system and let the designer fix them along the way.  I had someone in my home the other day for a demo and he had heard our electronics but not my speakers.  Few people have and he remarked how good they were and at 14 k they were a steal compared to all the ones he had heard.  We have to allow ourselves to be satisfied and when you get there we must remember to allow ourselves to enjoy. That’s what I’m doing.  Enjoying the concert in my home on the regular.  I’m glad you are at a great place. Keep enjoying. 

Once you have really good speakers and components everything matters.  Cables matter and your source matters even more. It’s like pouring clean water through a dirty water hose is the analogy I would use. 

@mglik i definitely understand. I went from tubes to to my solid state all Class A Infigo gear and I have never looked back.  I get the speed and clarity of solid state with the musicality of tubes. Yes it was very expensive but it’s worth every penny. Hearing every foot tapping note in clarity and musicality.  Enjoy my man! If it makes you smile do it. 

@troutstreamnm thats what I’m talking about.  It’s fun.  Getting just right gives you additional purpose to chase and the listening sessions are amazing when you get it right. 

@zavato man I’m here and happy.  I got a pretty expensive rig but it’s not the cost that made my system. I got synergy throughout.  I’m happy as ever and I’m calling it a day. We have to learn when to hold em. I’m holding!

@newton_john we all have. Different sound we are looking for. I found mines in digital and you found yours in VINYL

@grislybutter if you notice he has been the only one being rude after all the responses up until now. 


he has never heard our Infigo cabling because I know everyone it has been sold to or has demoed it. He isn’t one of them.

@zuesman listen I know who you are you have been kicked off of my threads and you come back again and again. I’m not going to argue with you. Take care. Be respectful to everyone on this thread.  Have courtesy. If not please leave the thread. 

@grislybutter he comes on to any thread I create then starts dissing my system. He has been removed several times. I would not respond to him. He comes on to all of my threads and others and destroys the real conversations that people have. He probably doesn’t have the simaudio gear he says he has. He dants about occ copper this and that. Don’t engage with him.


I have no idea what motivates Zeusman he comes on my thread and disses our equipment and brand. He even went as far as trying to trick the owner of our company then taking the conversation to use it against me on Audiogon. He is the reason why some people leave the platform. He doesn’t actually own the equipment.  He might not even live in Canada. It’s sad. We come here for serious conversations and to share things and people like him come in and destroy the real knowledge and the brands that people work hard to build. I doubt he even owns simaudio that he speaks of. 

@grislybutter dont take him seriously. If you listen to what he was saying about the d’agistino and simaudio it doesn’t even make any sense. He just trolls everyone. 

@deep_333 , he comes on threads to troll he doesn’t have the cables or equipment or the knowledge he speaks of. He comes on to destroy serious thread conversation.  BUT YOU ASKED AND EXCELLENT QUESTION THOUGH. HE WOULD NOT KNOW! 

@grislybutter the people from stereophile came to our Infigo and Alta Audio room last year at Axpona we had all Infigo cabling and electronics in the system. Out of more than 100 rooms of audio he heard in 3 days he named our system one of the top 5 at Axpona then used our hear and set up picture as the landing page for their Axpona reviews last year. 

@invalid he might be. But I think it’s far worse.  The depths that he went to to diss multiple brands. Trying to destroy names and relationships is sinister.  Audiogon gonna have to do smthg about him because it’s not a free speech thing. He is destroying other brands being slanderous and he does not own or even have the gear to try. Nor does he own the gear he speaks of.  The sad part is he has fooled multiple people on Audiogon as well as even calling companies to play like he is interested in gear only to try to use the information to talk the gear down later. Plenty of people have tried our Infigo audio cables. We literally give free demos because we know they perform well. So all of this inferior wire talk is BS. You trying you like them you get them. You don’t you send them back. Zuesman behavior is very detrimental to Audiogon and audiophiles as a whole and it’s a shame 

@invalid @grislybutter this happens everytime I put a thread up. If you see all the posts before he came on. We were having a good conversation even when guys disagreed they were respectful.  There is a lot of hard work that goes into researching and producing great gear and products. We tested multiple variations of cables. We spent time perfecting the electronics and addressing design, distortion, chip implementation, design, heat dissipation etc etc.  Then you have a guy that comes on to a thread only to play games and be disrespectful to other members and to play internet identity games with brands and the hard work they put in. Then he bullies and destroys legitimate conversations on threads when he doesn’t have anything to offer. He probably does not even have the gear he is posting about. He hasn’t even heard the gear he is posting against. This is why o left Audiogon about 6 or 7 years ago.  Him and people like him. It’s sad. Now he has started rage posting and it totally destroys the post and turns people away from this post and Audiogon as a whole