I want to know for those who have arrived got their best system together. What is the story behind how you ended up with your gear and will you be happy for a long time with it.

incorrigable Sold my late mother’s house.

Oh no! I was close to it too. Then I rethink "is anyone really achieved what I want?" I concluded that I can’t be there whatever I do because no one ever was there in audio history.

It was a good decision that I gave up. I have the world’s best sound audio system now. As I concluded that no one was there was correct? Why? Because every things are wrong in audio from start (recordings) to end (reproduction=speaker). I say this because I only know answers. This is like the one-eyed man in the country of the blind. I’m just a frontier. Nothing more.

Below (recording & reproduction) is the best in audio for now.



There are few recording studios are recording with my microphones to make right recording now. This is a start to make recording right. And the right reproduction will follow. It will take few years to take off, but it will happen because as recording studio staffs said that’s no match between natural and Hi-Fi sounds. I’ll say I don’t know how fast the world’ll change if you know what I mean. Alex/Wavetouch audio

@jayctoy after 17 years of chasing. I met Hans Looman we did a show together. Infigo Audio had not been born yet he was with another company.  We had a room together at a show and initially using the equipment that was there it didn’t sound right.  I travel with a bag of cables and my cables literally fixed it all. He was surprised told me about this amp he was building. I brushed it off then he decided he was going to fly to Dallas from Canada with his amp and put it up against my KR AUDIO. Well I invited my friends over and he blew my amp away in front of 15 friends at my house. I decided that day I was gonna work with him. Infigo Audio was born and the next thing you know. I got the Dac, amp and now streamers.  I was actually the ear for our cables. The combination has me in heaven. I guess because I got to play an active part in getting to this happy  place I’m in it’s been great.  Working with someone who,is as ocd about sound as I am has been great. Then we both listen to a wide range of different music. I had learned so much before I met Hans then to by chance run into him while creating amazing gear has been great. I’m happy. I’m listening as we speak. Saturday night relaxing listening to some sweet sounds.  Lot of time and money I spent getting here but it’s worth it. I learned a lot over the years. Right now I’m in a great place.  

@vthokie83 music is my medication.  Keeps me calm. Allows me to think clearly. Takes the stress of practicing law away. It allows me to reflect. It allows me to put life in perspective. It’s not just gear and songs. It’s an escape.  

@harleyujoe i understand. I been in 24 years now at 52 and it is a journey.  I’m in a good place. I’m finding music and trying tweaks and doing little things. I’m enjoying it. 

@sls883 i get it I started out with some cm9 and some def tech. I flipped sold and spent over the years while learning. Now I have great gear along with the knowledge to understand how good and how to use it all. I’ve made more money now so I could get whatever I wanted. But the knowledge to get right stuff has been  priceless