incorrigable Sold my late mother’s house.
Oh no! I was close to it too. Then I rethink "is anyone really achieved what I want?" I concluded that I can’t be there whatever I do because no one ever was there in audio history.
It was a good decision that I gave up. I have the world’s best sound audio system now. As I concluded that no one was there was correct? Why? Because every things are wrong in audio from start (recordings) to end (reproduction=speaker). I say this because I only know answers. This is like the one-eyed man in the country of the blind. I’m just a frontier. Nothing more.
Below (recording & reproduction) is the best in audio for now.
There are few recording studios are recording with my microphones to make right recording now. This is a start to make recording right. And the right reproduction will follow. It will take few years to take off, but it will happen because as recording studio staffs said that’s no match between natural and Hi-Fi sounds. I’ll say I don’t know how fast the world’ll change if you know what I mean. Alex/Wavetouch audio