How does a Transport effect sound?

hi guys,

Been wondering about this: How does a CD Transport effect sound?  Isn't it just reading the disc and sending the 1s and 0s to the DAC.  Shouldn't every transport sound the same?


Showing 4 responses by jc4659


Have you ever directly compared the Canare LV-77s and Belden 8281F coaxial cables for jitter?

Steve N.,
thanks for the offer to test the two cables above.  Both are outfitted with BNC RCA adapters.  it will be interesting to compare your measurements to your silver cable and any subjective listening impressions.  Am I sending these to Bend?

Steve N.

Thank you very much for testing the cables and posting those new data.  It seems the spectral plots may be more useful than the jitter distribution (which looked amazingly similar) when trying to correlate with listening impressions.  It would be interesting to know whether there are specific attributes in the spectra besides total jitter that correlate with specific qualities; i.e. wide bass vs natural attack and decay of chimes, bells, imaging, etc. All very interesting if one was designing cables but far outside my area of expertise.  Thanks again for posting the comparisons with your cables.

I apologize to the OP for straying from the original question posed concerning transports!
