How does this make sense, any sense? Any sense at all??

I was just looking at Stereophile's  recommended components, for speakers. 
Within the Class A restricted extreme low frequencies category are:
KEF LS50 at $1500  and
Wilson Sasha at $38,000.
Why would you pay 38 grand when you can get the same category for 1500?  Why I say?

Even worse!!!
In the full range Class B category we have the KEF Ref. 5 at $20,000.
Why would you wanna pay $20,000 for a speaker that is outclassed by the same family (KEF LS50) at a fraction of the price?
How does this make any sense????
Stereophile, seriously.  Let 'er rip homie. 

@ kenjit

"Super Audiofiles" Ok then. Do you get fake muscle tights and a cape?
I shouldn’t ask but how do I become a super audiophile?  Dying to know. Is it a secret club or something because I want in?  Asking for all of us.  
Right now listening to a sweet bedroom system comprised of ls50’s, an Ayre VX5se, and a Benchmark 3 DAC. It is quite impressive and enjoyable. The room is 8 x 12, so the best response is perfect without a sub. Almost any other speaker overwhelms the room. The right equipment for the right room and you got it going!
Dun Dun Daaaaaah

Super Audiophile!

"I'm here to polish your tubes and pull you cable..."