How far away from your speakers are you?

I thought it would be interesting to know how people position their speakers... do you have the freedom to put them where you want or do practicalities dictate?.. How far away are they from the listening position?.. How big's the room and how far away are they from boundary walls? My main speakers (Seas A26) are 1' from back wall, 3' from sides in a 14' by 20' room and my listening position is  about 16' from the speakers. Just wondering how much floor space we're willing to give up to get the optimum placement.
I have been married 14 years and all that applies to me too.

Except for that last one, and I hope I never have to test that one........

To say my listening room is less than ideal, is an understatement.

However, we do the best we can!

Speakers are set up in a 11X18 room using the Fibonacci Progression method, as outlined on Cardas site.

I'm sitting approx 6' from my Cornwalls.

They are elevated by 2" (On street hockey balls)

Toed in and tilted back by 1 degree.

Might as well be wearing headphones I know, but it does sound fantastic :)

Cornwall's were never meant to be used as near field listening I suspect...

They have had extensive internal bracing done, some added poly and bass port mods and some damping of the horns which have been coated with spray foam insulation.

Far enough away from all of y'all that I can play whatever whenever as soft or as loud as I may care to at this time of night. *S*

Since I'm diy'ing speakers, I occasionally on purpose see if I can break them.

Large enough space that things may clip and go into thermal shutdown....
I'm usually wearing hearing protection when doing this because I'm not stupid....

(...and I heard that, too.....back atcha'...)