How good is Emotiva 2 channel gear??

How does Emotiva compare to NAD, Adcom, Parasound, McIntosh, Classe? Notice that I have included mid-fi and hi-fi...Is their gear really that good for so low a price??
Just an observation - there seems to be very little objective comparison in this thread.

In other words, something like "I compared the Emotiva and the McIntosh 402 in the same system and found that even though X, Y and Z, the Emotiva Still did A, B, and C"

Who here has done real A/B comparisons with Emo gear in the same system against much more expensive competition? If so, can you describe the differences in sound?

Honestly I've read all these posts and learned nothing about the original topic.
I compared my upa-1 monoblocks to both my musical fidelity a300 integrated and my a3cr power amp, and in both scenarios, I found the UPA-1's to be smoother in presentation, making the midrange more enjoyable. The UPA's had more air in the highs, while the bass was tight yet plentiful. Although I still enjoy my MF gear for its detail and pace, the UPA's are a little more fun to listen to in my system.
I was recently interested in learning more about the XPA 2 amp. I emailed the Emotiva techs wanting ALL the specs. I fully understand knwoing all the specs does not define the sound of an amp. Thier site does not list all the specs. I am still waiting after sending this request two weeks ago.
For 2 channel audio I say give the Emotiva USP-1 a shot. It was reviewed here not too long ago by A'gon member Ferrari who did a very detailed and thorough review.

I use it in my 2nd system with very good results. I don't think it can take down Classe or McIntosh but for a little over $300 used and under $500 new it is quite a treat.
Nordic: I received a very quick response from the Sales Department. It was regarding the crossover section of the USP-1, incidentally. Identify yourself as a prospective buyer with follow-up questions to the available literature. I know it's a tech question, but prompt email communication is really a sales thing.