How large is your music collection?

At one time I had about 5000 CDs and I sold them due to the fact that I had no room for them and most of them I didn't listen to at all. In the last few years I add a title to my collection only if it is really good and worthy of multiple listens and the enjoyment value is high. My current collection is less than 1000 for both CD and vinyl.

I've got a friend that has so many CDs, SACDs, LPS, etc. that even if he listened for 8 hours a day he would never repeat the same selection in more than 10 years. To me that just doesn't make sense but it makes him happy so I guess that is what counts.

How about everyone here? Do you add just to add or do you keep your collection, like me, to just the best of the best.
I am guessing:

1000 lps 2/3 classical from 1950s through the 1980s (99% of my listening)

500 CDs 99% classical 20 gigs loaded on Mac iTunes

happy Christmas

From Mikelavigne:
10,000 Lps; of which about 3000 are played regularly,

That statement blows me away. Please define regularly.
When I bought my TW Akustic Raven One from Jeff at Highwater Sound last April, he had 28,0000 LPs,dont know how many CD's or SACDS! As for myself, 1000 LPs and around 500 CDs.--Mrmitch
Just over 1,000 LPs
Just under 4,500 CDs
App. 1,900 downloaded tracks
Under 100 SACD/DVD-A

I think I'm the bizarro universe Mike Lavigne:

Regular play last month was one CD - Danny Gatton "Live". So far this month, it is also one CD - Lindsey Buckingham's "Out of The Cradle".

I do have that evolving 6 disc rotation in my car, but that's a little different...

Added another 3,500 - 5,000+ classical & jazz albums to my collection, since my posting in September, from a record store closing down. Deal was too good to count them all, but the boxes have filled an 18ft garage floor. It includes some 10" Columbia classical EP's, 10" Jazz EP's & 78's, new & s/hand.
Plus a couple of records a month from my subscriptions to the Jazz re-issues and about 30 SACD's & c.d.
Also got around to getting a carpenter to build some floor to ceiling shelving in the listening room, which I'm using to store the new heavyweight vinyl and classic box sets.