How long is it taking to receive a preamp?

Just heard that timeline for a preamp is still very delayed.
getting better?
I hope they are doing OK over there but there’s no way they didn’t get my contact through their site, I did it 3 separate times , 3 different devices, 2 email addresses...  

I trip over myself to get back to
my customers when they contact via any medium 

It is really a “ it’s that good you’ll wait” mentality over there , especially on the forum. One word out of line and you find it’s not such a friendly forum.  Never I have I felt more unwelcome from just asking a question 

So many people out there building amps , they are not the only game in town for custom flea watt amps

Because they have minimal cash flow.  Backlog is meaningless if no sales.cant pay employees.

No offense intended whatsoever, but your logic isn't making sense. Your original premise is you are uncomfortable paying a 50% deposit in advance of ordering an item. The only way to have a backlog of orders(sales) is if people like you and I have ordered gear AND paid the required deposit.

So, in this example, they DO have sales AND the cash to pay employees.
Decware isn’t going anywhere...   neither are most of the companies that make good bang for the buck equipment.   no one predicted supply chain shortages like this.   I fix medical equipment, a lot of new stuff is 4 to 6 months out of you order now , Parts?  Who knows , things that sat on the shelf for years are gone, new stock back ordered...   I get it. 
So even with deposits they are still operating with a deficit.

businesses cant survive with mostly backorder income flow.

its not a good time for anyone.

They will weather this better than many boutique mfg. in my opinion.  Zombie like following, plenty of orders in queue.