How many CD/LPs do you need?

At one time I had alot of CDs...maybe about 3000. I came to the conclusion that I would never listen to many of them, so I sold alot of them, but still, I was looking through my collection, and I have more than I could ever listen to in a lifetime. I was thinking, if I had 100 great CDs, I couuld listen to one per week, thoroughly, and never listen to the same thing in a 2 year span. Right now I am holding steady at 500 and now, every new addition has to be golden, where I love it and every song on it.

What about you?
Matchstikman; an interesting question, and one I've often asked myself too. It seem that some/many audiophiles are into collecting music at least partly for the sake of the collection-- just as there are stamp and coin collectors etc.

That's cool, but I'm not a music collector. I have 1200-1400 CDs, but recognize that it would take me years to listen to them all thoroughly. I tend to focus on a type of music, or maybe an artist for weeks at a time. I'm sure I could be happy with a few hundred CDs as long as I could add to my "collection" as I find new and interesting or exciting new music.

I also make a lot of CD compilations, and this has dramatically changed the way I listen to music, ie I mix and match artists/music as I see fit. So, I could get along with a lot fewer CDs if I could make the compilations I want. Interesting thread. Cheers. Craig
I trade CDR's with people also which adds diversity to my collection.If I want change I have it.

I wish I had the time to do compilations.I do have a few ,but they are mainly of artist that have like 9 CD's and I only like a few tracks from each.

I compiled a Classical collection becasue I got tired of always listening to rock.Then theres soft listening music also that I play as not to impose my style of music on people.Like the Carpenters,Simon & Garfunkel,Chicago,Music of the 70's and Gordon Lightfoot.Stuff I generally never listen to.

ENya and Yanni are good when you just want to relax so is alot of Classical.Not exactly Elevator music,but close to.

ALways good to diversify!

As many good ones as I can afford and store. A musical software collection is just like a book collection in that it is a library of sorts.

I don't collect much new music, but concentrate on older stuff that is starting to get scarce (tons of music never made it to CD format).

Today I picked up:

"Everybody Loves H.B. Barnum" (RCA Mono, 1962)

"E. Power Biggs Plays Scott Joplin" (on pedal harpsichord)
Kinsekd, you have me pegged right. I am one of the guys that lives on minimalistic attributes. In fact, people often come over to my house and wonder if I am going poor because I almost have nothing around. It is very funny.

Dekay, I have the same view of books. Unless it is one of those books that deserves another read, I read it and pass it on to someone at work. That's me.