How many of us are truly satisfied with their systems?

By truly satisfied, I mean, zero desire to change a thing-

I'll raise my hand- and being at a happy place with my system is a happy thought- 

I can say that I am truly there, not interested in even cable changes at this point, the system sounds amazing and will only make a change if I have a piece that wears out or breaks. Now with that said, for the need to tinker and compare pieces, I started putting a headphone system together for my home office and am having a blast doing so. I am really surprised at the great deals available as you cut your budget back to a reasonable amount and take advantage of the trickle down technology that the big $ pieces award you.
I have said I'm completely satisfied many, many, many times. I just purchased a new TT. Now I'm satisfied. Wait what about upgrading the cart. 
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