Trelja 5-20-2018Hi Joe,
Difficult question, I admit, and you could maybe just chalk it up to tubes in general, and why folks compete for valued ones, but do you have any opinions on why different tube rectifiers of the same type exhibit not much difference in performance, yet such wildly different tone?
All I can offer is the very general thought that with the exception of "absolute maximum" specifications and sometimes heater voltages, most tube parameters are specified just as nominal values (either as numbers or in the form of graphs), with no specification of +/- tolerances or min/max values. As can be seen, for example, in this datasheet for a vintage GE 5AR4. Which leaves room for numerous parameters to differ significantly among tubes of a given type.
And even if the actual values of all of those parameters were known for two or more tubes of a given type that may be compared, analysis of the likely sonic consequences would probably be impractical, as well as being dependent to a significant extent on the design of the specific component the rectifier is being used in.
So what we have to go on in that regard essentially comes down to what can be inferred from empirical evidence that has accumulated over the years. With some grains of salt applied, in part because of the aforesaid component dependence.
Best regards,
-- Al