How much do I need to spend to get a preamp that sounds better than no preamp?

Hello all.
I'm using an Audible Illusions L1 preamp and I think my system sounds better when I remove it from the signal path. Oppo BD105 directly to SMC Audio DNA1 Gold power amp. I have read that there is level of quality you need to hit before there will be an improvement in sound. I can't seem to find what that level is. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance,

Trelja 5-20-2018
Difficult question, I admit, and you could maybe just chalk it up to tubes in general, and why folks compete for valued ones, but do you have any opinions on why different tube rectifiers of the same type exhibit not much difference in performance, yet such wildly different tone?
Hi Joe,

All I can offer is the very general thought that with the exception of "absolute maximum" specifications and sometimes heater voltages, most tube parameters are specified just as nominal values (either as numbers or in the form of graphs), with no specification of +/- tolerances or min/max values. As can be seen, for example, in this datasheet for a vintage GE 5AR4. Which leaves room for numerous parameters to differ significantly among tubes of a given type.

And even if the actual values of all of those parameters were known for two or more tubes of a given type that may be compared, analysis of the likely sonic consequences would probably be impractical, as well as being dependent to a significant extent on the design of the specific component the rectifier is being used in.

So what we have to go on in that regard essentially comes down to what can be inferred from empirical evidence that has accumulated over the years. With some grains of salt applied, in part because of the aforesaid component dependence.

Best regards,
-- Al
He couldn’t even bother to wait for JA to post a response to his question, he had to immediately come here and post a click-bait thread on the subject.

Really!!!!, I was asking the question, " Looks like Stereophile may be cutting back on expenses"  operative word being "may", as I’m not in the US and maybe others at Agon had some more info, if the tests going to be stricken,, as they are the most time consuming part and expensive of Stereophile and many mags are getting rid of them to save money in this diminished climate for this type of reading.

And 3 days later I did post this, your the one that needs to be questioned not me. Maybe your a "snake oiler" and just didn’t like what I said in this post.

Cheers George
In the same sentence you also said,   
no more bench testing for measurements and specs to keep the manufacturers and reviewers honest, it'll make you think twice on what to believe now, without the proof to back it up.
Your last post is classic cherry picking...and you are an expert at that. The quote above is a not a maybe statement, it is your presumption of fact. All you really had to do was wait for the answer from the source, JA is pretty good at following up questions. Hey, as long as you get the word out first, it doesn't matter if it's true or not. Kind of like the media these days. When the truth comes out, the best you can do is offer a weak, half hearted statement at a later date. I wasn't offended by your so called apology, I was bothered by your dishonesty at creating the post and your continued attempts to justify it. Your character, or should I say lack thereof, continues to shine through. 

Since the topic is really about " gain ", let me say this. I have a large assortment of amplifiers, included a few pro amps, which all have input gain controls. Using these amplifiers, I have a choice, of keeping the controls on the amps at max, and using the preamp ( s ) volume controls at a lower setting, at about 9 - 10 o’clock. However I find I prefer the sound of the system with the amps controls turned down, to the point where the preamp ( s ) volume control is at about 12 - 1 o’clock. I have tried going from source to amps, and while it is clean ( possibly a little cleaner ) without the preamp, with the preamp ( s ), the drive, dynamics, well, pretty much everything, is better to me through the preamp ( s ). Enjoy ! MrD.
Your last post is classic cherry picking...
No you are cherry picking and must more likely have your back up over the "snake oil" voodoo'ist statement I made. As I'm a great believer in measurements, as that's how all gear is designed and made, and then listened to.
And those measurements can help buyers/users choose right amps for speakers and/or right speakers for amps, instead of the many "well serving" here but wrongly saying "buy this" it sound great, but don't have any idea if it will to the job measureless wise.

Cheers George